Loren Data Corp.




GSA, Public Buildings Service (7PMC),Property Management Div,819 Taylor Stre et,Fort Worth,TX 76102-6105

Z -- LAWTON, OK & SHERMAN, TX - ELEVATOR SOL GS-07P-96-HUC-0065 DUE 072596 POC Contact,Steve Clark,817/334-3974,Contracting Officer,Steven F. Clark,817/33 4-3974 SIC CODE 1796 - Provide all materials and labor to replace and modernize a passenger elevator at the Federal Building/Courthouse in Lawton, OK Project No. ROK94014, and modernize one geared elevator at the Federal Building/ Courthouse, in Sherman, TX, Project No. RTX95038. Included is fire service and handicap provisions and related work according to the specifications. Solicitation No. GS-07P-96-HUC-0065. Estimated cost range: $250,000 to $500,000. The offeror will be required to submit a two part package consisting of: 1)their technical experience/capabilities, references, and 2)their cost proposal. The technical will be opened first and evaluated. The cost proposal will be opened after the technical portions are evaluated and rated against the factors below. The cost proposals for technicals within the competitive ranking range will be opened, and the offeror with the best value for the price will be awarded the contract. The ranking factors will be, in order of importance, 1) prime contracting firm's years of experience installing and servicing elevators; 2) number of comparable elevators installed within the last three years; 3) three references from comparable projects; and 4) what percentage is the prime contractor able to perform internally of the elevator installation and servicing. Pre-Solicit ation notices to be sent about 6/3/96. IFB will be sent about 6/24/96 and offers will be due 7/25/96. For copies of the solicitation, send a fax to Steven Clark, Contracting Officer, 817/885-6155. All responsible sources will be considered. (0144)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0172 19960524\Z-0018.SOL)

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