Loren Data Corp.




NASA Lewis Research Center, 21000 Brookpark Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44135

R -- OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM (OEP) SUPPORT CONTRACT SOL RFP3-046562 POC Donald F. Hoffman, Contracting Officer, (216) 433-2780, MS 500-312 Internet E-Mail: Donald.Hoffman@lerc.nasa.gov. Requests for copies of the solicitation will be accepted via mail, fax at (216) 433-5185 or Internet E-Mail: solicitation.request@lerc.nasa.gov. Requests shall include the solicitation no. RFP3-046562 and your company's name, phone no., and mailing address. Provide the management, personnel, equipment and materials required to perform support for the Office of Environmental Programs. The OEP is organized into cross-disciplinary teams by the following title and function: Environmental Compliance Team - liaison with Federal, State, and local authorities, monitoring fuel storage tanks, permitting, conducting instructional courses, Industrial Hygiene Team - hazard assessments of employee exposures: asbestos, blood pathogens, cadmium and resperator and ventilation programs, Health Physics Team - meet NRC license requirements for ionizing and non ionizing radiation, Chemical Management Team - assist users with acquisition, transportation, handling, use, storage of chemicals and ensure regulatory compliance, Waste Management Team - ensure that all regulated waste is properly disposed of, Division Support Team - ADP support, data base management, audits, emergency response management, outreach management, Project Management - ensure that all OEP funded projects are in regulatory compliance and on time and within budget, Research Team - support studies and investigations within the Charter of OEP which are not classified as routine in nature, Noise Program Team - provide full range of acoustical services, management of the Hearing Conservation Program, Chemical Sampling & Analysis Team - provide chemical sampling and analysis. Estimated period of performance is 1 year, 4 - 1 yr. options. (0150)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0048 19960530\R-0002.SOL)

R - Professional, Administrative and Management Support Services Index Page