Loren Data Corp.




R&D Contracting Directorate, Attn: WL/AAKR, Bldg 7, 2530 C Street, Wright-Patterson AFB

A -- PARALLEL COMPUTATIONAL ELECTROMAGNETICS FOR SIMULATIONS ENABLING TECHNOLOGY TRANSITION AT ENHANCED RATES (PACE SETTER). THIS IS 1 OF 2 PARTS. SOL PRDA 97-27-AAK POC Contact Ardra Morgan, Contract Negotiator, (513) 255-2902, or Kenneth Smith, Contracting Officer, (513) 255-2902. A--This announcement is in two parts. Part 1 of 2 Parts. INTRODUCTION: Wright Laboratory (WL/AAKR) is interested in receiving proposals (technical and cost) on the research effort described below. Proposals in response to the PRDA shall be submitted by 17 July 1996, 1500 hours Eastern Time, to Wright Laboratory, Directorate of R&D Contracting, ATTN: Ms. Ardra Morgan, WL/AAKR, 2530 C Street, Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-7607, (513) 255-2902. This is an unrestricted solicitation. Small businesses are encouraged to propose on all or any part of this solicitation. Proposals submitted shall be in accordance with this announcement. Proposal receipt after the cutoff date and time specified herein shall be treated in accordance with restriction of FAR 52.215-10, a copy of this provision may be obtained from the contracting point of contact. There shall be no other solicitation issued in regard to this requirement. Offerors should be alert for any PRDA amendments that may be published. This PRDA may be amended to allow subsequent submissions after proposal dates. Offerors should request a copy of the Wright Laboratory Guide entitled, ''PRDA and BAA Guide for Industry'' dated November 1992. This guide was specifically designed to assist offerors in understanding the PRDA/BAA proposal process. The guide is available from the contracting point of contact, or from the WL/PK WWW Internet home page at http://www.wl.wpafb.af.mil/contract/prdag.htm. Any contract resulting from this PRDA may be formatted in accordance with the Research and Development Streamlined Contracting Procedures described in DFARS 235.70. B--REQUIREMENTS: (1) TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION: The objective of this project is to advance the current state-of-the-art electromagnetic prediction capability. The goal is to demonstrate a major increase in Computational Electromagnetic (CEM) capability and to transfer the mature code to industry as common design tools for DoD applications. This objective shall be achieved by maturation of CEM technology concepts on massively parallel processing (MPP) machines. CEM techniques span from analytical techniques for simple canonical shapes, to asymptotic techniques for electrically large perfect conducting targets, and finally to numerical solutions of Maxwell's equations for arbitrary geometries and materials. All of the above CEM techniques are required for aircraft design and survivability analysis. Each technique possesses unique capabilities and limitations. The three CEM solution topic areas of interest for this project are numerical frequency domain solutions, numerical time domain solutions, and hybrid solution methods. The frequency domain CEM methods include method of moment (MOM), finite elements (FEM), fast multi-pole (FMM), and others based on exact methods. Time domain methods include finite difference time domain (FDTD) and finite volume time domain (FVTD). Numerical solutions to Maxwell's equation have undergone some impressive advances in recent years. In recent years many fast matrix solving algorithms (Fast Multipole Method and Adaptive Integral Method) and new scaleable large matrix solver technology (CRAY LRA-CDENSE and Intel TurboSolver) were developed or matured. By incorporating these new algorithms and scaleable solver technology, the capability of a mature CEM code can be greatly improved to solve much larger EM problems in much less time. The hybrid methods of interest combine fast asymptotic methods with exact solutions for the best mix of computational speed and accuracy. An example of a hybrid method would be the combination of physical optics and finite elements (PO-FEM). This project shall be set up as a basic contract with two options. Demonstrations shall be held at the end of the basic contract as well as the two options. The demonstrations shall be performed on a DoD/High Performance Computing (HPC) platform at an HPC site using EMCC benchmark cases. Examples of EMCC benchmarks are: a full scale fighter aircraft, the VFY218, with and without materials for radar scattering, scattering of ground targets (e.g., Scud) both in the open and immersed in heavy foliage, engine inlet with materials for radar scattering, C29 aircraft model with one monopole attached for installed radiation patterns, and an almond-shaped test body with a conformal slot wave guide array for installed radiation patterns. The proposals should specify which HPC computer platforms and EMCC benchmarks are intended to be used. The final choice of benchmarks and the HPC platforms will be approved by the government representatives at the kick-off meeting. The demonstrations shall increase in their complexity each year. By the final demonstration, two different HPC platforms shall be used. All computer code shall be developed so that it is scaleable. The goal is to be able to perform large scale demonstrations, e.g., predicting the RCS of a full-scale perfectly conducting fighter model, VFY218, at the highest frequency possible. The objective of this development is to develop a software package that contains no proprietary code. The only proprietary code that shall be allowable in the development shall be matrix solvers. Any proprietary code to be used must be incorporated in a modular format so that the proprietary code may be easily replaced by a government-owned code that performs a similar function. All proprietary code must be clearly specified in the proposal. Contractors are requested to include a discussion of the following issues as a part of their overall technical proposals. The degree to which these issues are adequately addressed will be considered as a partial indicator of the offeror's understanding of the problem and soundness of the technical approach. Full evaluation criteria are defined elsewhere in this announcement. The issue are as follows: offerors are cautioned that this list is not to be construed as being all-inclusive. (1) Scaleablity and reusability of CEM software between DoD HPC platforms, (2) Experience in porting software to HPC platforms, (3) User friendly interfaces, (4) Amount of computer code to be delivered to the government with less than unlimited rights. (2) DELIVERABLE ITEMS: The following data items will be required: (a) Scientific and Technical Report - Final Report, DI-MISC-80711/T, (Draft and Reproducible Final), (b) Scientific and Technical Reports - Contractor's Billing Voucher, DI-MISC-80711/T, monthly, (c) Status Report, DI-MGMT-80368/T, monthly, (d) Funds and Man-Hour Expenditure Report, DI-FNCL-80331/T, monthly, (e) Presentation Material, DI-ADMIN-81373/T, as required, (f) Software Test Report, DI-IPSC-81440, annually, (g) Software Test Description, DI-IPSC-81439, (As Required), (h) Computer Programming Manual, DI-IPSC-81447 (Final), (i) Software User Manual, DI-IPSC-81443, (Annually), (j) Contract Funds Status Report (CFSR), DI-FNCL-81468/T (Quarterly), and (m) Computer Software Product End Item. The computer product end item shall be a stand-alone, self-contained product. It shall include all source code developed under, or used in conjunction with, activities funded under this PRDA. However, executable versions (one for each pertinent HPC platform) of the matrix solvers which fit modularly with the other software must be delivered with government right-to-use privileges. The offeror shall identify technical data or computer software to be delivered with other than unlimited rights. The programming languages to be used shall be Fortran, C, or C++. (3) SECURITY REQUIREMENTS: It is anticipated that work performed under this contract may be classified up to and including SECRET level. (4) OTHER SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR) apply. Since Public Law 98-94, Withholding Unclassified Technical Data From Public Release, will apply, offerors must prepare a DD Form 2345, Export Controlled DoD Technical Data Agreement, and forward it to: Commander, Defense Logistics Service Center, ATTN: DLSC/FBA, Federal Center, Battle Creek MI, 49017-3084, or provide evidence that registration with DLSC is already on file. C--ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (1) Anticipated Period of Performance: The government anticipates the technical effort to be 32 months, and an additional 4 months for processing/completion of the final report. The contracts shall be accomplished with a basic contract of 12 months and two options. End of Part 1 of 2. (0156)

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