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HQ ESC, Operational Contracting Division, Construction Branch, (PKOC) 104 Barksdale Street, Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-1806

B -- OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT BUDGET (OMB) CIRCULAR NO. A-76, PERFORMANCE OF COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES, VISUAL INFORMATION SERVICES, 66SPTG/SCSV, HANSCOM AFB, MZ 01731 POC Rhonda Chavez, Contract Specialist, 617-377-2949, Janice Book, Contracting Officer, 617-377-4592. On May 10, 1996 it was announced under the direction of HQ/AFMC that the 66th Air Base Wing, Visual Information Services was to be the subject of an A-76 Cost Comparison/Direct Conversion Study. The Federal policy for the performance of recurring commercial activities was established in the 1983 Office of Managment and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-76, ''Performance of Commercial Activities''. The intent of the program is to determine the most effecient and effective method of providing service. The study will determine whether commercial activities should be performed under contract with commercial sources or in-house using Government facilities and personnel. Based on this program, sources are sought for Hanscom's Commercial Audiovisual Services to be performed at Hanscom AFB, MA. Functions performed include graphic illustration, photography and multi-media presentations. The successful contractor shall provide all personnel, supplies, supervision, transportation, equipment maintenance, and other items and services required to sustain the following Audio-Visual services: (1) studio, location, and reproduction photography, (2) 24 hour on-call photographer for investigative documentation, (3) full service custom photographic laboratory, (4) Photographic Electronic Imaging, (5) computer graphic illustrations, (6) Desktop publishing, (7) Video-Teleconferencing, (7) large screen multi-media presentations, (8) video documentation. This Visual Information Service Center (VISC) is responsible for Department of Defense support in the New England area. Approximately 29,000 photographic and 6,000 graphic products annually. Personnel may be required to obtain a favorable National Agency check performed by the Defense Investigative Agency. The duration of this contract, with all options, is anticipated to be five years. This synopsis is for informational and planning purposes and does not constitute a request for proposal and is not considered to be a commitment by the government. The government does not intend to award a contract on the basis of this notification or otherwise pay for any information or inquiry. Respondents capable of satisfying the requirements stated herein should respond in writing within 30 days of this publication to Rhonda Chavez, ESC/PKOC, 104 Barksdale St., Building 1520, Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-1806, with a narrative identifying the scope of past and current services that they have contracted for within the past three years and explain how those services are commensurate with the services described in this synopsis. Respondents should also indicate whether they are a small business or a disadvantaged business concern. A draft Request for Proposal (RFP) will be placed on the Hanscom Bulletin Board (HERBB). Sections of the RFP will be available on HERBB, as they become available, beginning approximately mid July 1996. HERBB can be accessed via computer and modem by dialing (617) 274-6453 or (617) 377-1487 and on the World Wide Web at herbb.hanscom.af.mil. (0165)

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B - Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D Index Page