Loren Data Corp.




BOR - Snake River Area Office West, 214 Broadway Avenue, Boise, ID 83702

58 -- FURNISH MICROWAVE RADIOS AND MULTIPLEXER EQUIPMENT NECESSARY FOR SCADA SYSTEM MICROWAVE LINK. SOL 142596SQ1100110 DUE 070596 POC Purchasing Agent, Marie Day,, 208-334-1744, 208-334-1744, For technical info: Robert Adams, C&I Mechanic - 208-365-2600 Ex. 13 The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation is seeking sources to provide digital radios and multiplexers needed for the SCADA system microwave link. Purpose of this notice is to conduct a market survey to identify potential sources other than Microwave Data Systems and their dealers, who are capable of providing digital radio equipment equal to or better than MDS Model 960D. If an alternate supplier of equipment is proposed, the vendor must provide documentation to show equivalency with the above model, and indicate any areas of exception or non-compliance of the proposed equipment. Specifications for these radios and multiplexer equipment will be available under RFQ No. 96-SQ-11-00110 with delivery scheduled for July 31, 1996. Responses are required by July 5, 1996. All responses will be fully considered by the agency. Standard Industrial Classification code is 3669. (0169)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0277 19960618\58-0001.SOL)

58 - Communication, Detection and Coherent Radiation Equipment Index Page