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U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge Operations Office, P.O. Box 2001, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8758

99 -- TREATMENT FOR DISPOSITION AND TRANSPORTATION OF LOW-LEVEL MIXED WASTE SOL DE-IB05-96OR22413 POC Contact point and Contracting Officer, Shirley C. Vogel, Contract Specialist, Environmental Acquisitions Branch, Procurement and Contracts Division, (423) 576-0648 Department of Energy (DOE) sites nationwide have prepared Site Treatment Plans for treatment of radioactive and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) waste (mixed waste) as required by the Federal Facilities Compliance Act. DOE is planning to issue a draft Invitation for Bid (IFB) for treatment (including transportation for treatment and for disposal) of a broad spectrum of mixed waste inventory from various DOE sites. Employees of Lockheed Martin Energy Systems, Inc. (LMES), are assisting DOE in the drafting of the Statement of Work and assembly of characterization data, and may provide other assistance up to and including review of technical proposals and bid data submitted in response to this IFB. It is estimated that the draft IFB will be released in mid-July 1996. It is anticipated the contract(s) for this effort will be awarded by the Oak RidgeOperations Office (ORO) in Fiscal Year 1997. The facilities for treatment must be privately owned and operated outside of areas managed by DOE. An exception may be made for facilities available for lease on the Oak Ridge Reservation K-25 Site which are obtained for use in such treatment. Appropriate licenses and permits obtained at vendor expense must be in place prior to treatment under the contract(s). The minimum amount of waste for which treatment is sought under this announcement is approximately 1,400,000 kilograms with the potential for an order of magnitude increase in quantities from multiple DOE sites. Types of mixed wastes to be treated include soils, inorganic sludges, organic sludges, inorganic and heterogeneous debris, surface contaminated and radiogenic lead,lab packs, scintillation fluids, batteries, elemental and reactive metals, and miscellaneous solids, liquids, and sludges. The wastes are typically contaminated with low levels of radioactivity (majority below 5 nanocuries per gram) and contain Environmental Protection Agency D, F, U, and P waste codes. The radioactive components may include, but are not limited to the following: americium, cadmium, cobalt, cesium, iridium, radium, and uranium. Some of these wastes are also contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyl regulated under the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA). The waste will be presented for bid in groupings DOE believes are suitable for similar treatment processes. Specific waste streams within each group to be treated under the contract(s) will be at the discretion of DOE. The wastes are contained in various drums, boxes, and containers in numerous storage locations. Similar wastes which will be generated by ongoing activities, as well as future remedial, decontamination, and decommissioning activities may be treated under the contract(s). However, the volumes and detailed characteristics of future generated wastes are unknown at this time. DOE also has a current inventory and continues to generate organic liquid (mainly oils and solvents), combustible solid (including spent and activated carbon) and non-combustible solid (debris and soil) radioactive wastes, also contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyl, which may be treated under the contract(s), depending on the cost-effectiveness of the service as compared to treatment by site management contractors. Services to be contracted include transport of the waste to the processing facility, performing any necessary sorting, sizing and additional detailed characterization of waste required prior to treatment, processing the waste to meet applicable regulatory standards and requirements, any interim storage at the facility, and transport and ultimately recycling or disposal of any residuals in a permitted and licensed facility. The DOE contract with Envirocare of Utah, Inc. (Envirocare), may be used for disposal of waste treated under the contract(s), however, the costs of disposal will not be included in the fixed unit prices of the contract(s) since disposal fees will be paid directly by DOE to Envirocare. The treated waste must meet all regulatory and other applicable requirements for disposal or recycling. Title to all waste shall transfer from DOE to the contractor at the time of pickup at the DOE site. DOE will only pay for waste successfully treated (which means it meets disposal or recycle criteria). Payment will be on a fixed price per kilogram basis. Award of contract(s) and treatment of waste under the contract will be contingent on availability of necessary funding and successful completion of required National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review. The purpose of the draft IFB is to allow perspective offerors an opportunity to comment on DOE's overall strategy and proposed contract language. Requests for the draft IFB must be made in writing to either the address included herein, by facsimile to (423) 576-3375, or by Email to VOGELSC@ORO.DOE.GOV. The draft IFB will be transmitted on a CD-ROM in WordPerfect 6.1 format. A period of 45 days will be allowed for potential vendor comment on the draft IFB. This is not a Request for Proposals or Invitation for Bids (0173)

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