Loren Data Corp.




Contracting Office, Siuslaw National Forest, P.O. Box 1148, Corvallis, OR 97339

54 -- MARYS PEAK COMMUNICATION BUILDINGS SOL RFQ 96-8607 DUE 072296 POC Contact, Administrative Services, 541/750-7118 The project consists of engineering and fabrication of two pre-cast concrete buildings, installation of electrical and communications items, HVAC equipment, insulation and painting. Contractor will be furnished drawings describing the building, layout of wall openings, electrical system, cable trays and HVAC system. Reinforcement necessary for transportation to the site without damage will be the responsibility of the Contractor. Buildings are to be constructed off-site and transported to the site, Contractor will be responsible for placement on the ground. Final connection to the utilities will be the responsibility of the Government. This project is located at Marys Peak, Siuslaw National Forest. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, supervision, transportation, supplies (except those designated as Government furnished) and incidentals to accomplish all work necessary. Contract time is 60 calendar days after receipt of the Notice to Proceed. Estimated start work date is August 1, 1996. This solicitation is 100% set-aside for small business. (0176)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0318 19960625\54-0001.SOL)

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