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Department of Energy, Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, P. O. Box 928, Golden, CO 80402-0928

B -- OFF SITE LABORATORY ANALYTICAL SERVICES (LAS) SOL KH602592EP3 DUE 072596 POC Contact Point, D. P. Timbes, Kaiser-Hill Company, L.L.C., FAX (303) 966-8350 or 8322 Kaiser-Hill Company, L.L.C. (Contractor), is the Integrating Management Contractor at the Department of Energy's (DOE) Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (Site) near Denver, Colorado and Bechtel Nevada Corporation (Contractor) is the Management & Operating Contractor at DOE's Nevada Test Site. Contractors contemplate multiple performance-based Subcontract awards utilizing fixed unit rates to be awarded on the basis of fair and effective competition for Analytical Services at DOE's Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site and Nevada Test Site herein referred to as ''Site(s)''. The contemplated performance period of the Subcontract(s) will be a three year base period and two one year options. Contractors respective anticipated analytical services will be combined in a single request for Proposal (RFP) as described herein. Subsequently, as determined by Contractors, appropriate subcontracts will be awarded for each Site. Once awarded, all subcontract administration, control and accountability will reside with the Site awarding the subcontract. The Scope of Work is organized by analytical catagory in modules. The analytical catagories are 1.) Radiochemistry, 2.) Standard Services, 3.) Geotechnical and Geosynthetics, 4.) Bioassay, 5.) Industrial Hygiene, and 6.) Safe Drinking Water. Each catagory will contain specific Statement of Work (SOW) modules based on analyte, and/or method and will be applicable to rad and non-rad contaminated materials. The modules currently anticipated for each of the six analytical catagories are as follows: 1.) RADIOCHEMISTRY - a. Isotopic, b. Tritium, c. High Resolution Gamma, d. Gross Alph/Beta, e. Radiometric Sr. and Cs and f. Radium 226; 2.) STANDARD SERVICES - a. Volatile Organics, b. Semi-Volatile Organics, c. Pesticide and PCBs, d. Dioxin and Furans, e. Inorganic Metals, f. Water Quality and Nutrient Parameters and g. Biological and Taxonomic Parameters; 3.) GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOSYNTHETICS - a. Physical Parameters Testing (Direct Shear, Triaxial Shear, Atterberg Limits, and Bulk Density); 4.) BIOASSAY SERVICES - a. Radiochemical Urine, Fecal, Nasal, and Tissue Analysis; 5.) INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE - a. Metals - (ICP and AA), b. Organic-Acids - (GC/MS, GC/FID, GC/TCD, GC/ECD, HPLC, Colorimetric Analysis, Gravimetric Analysis, and Ion Chromatography), c. Asbestos, d. Silica - (X-Ray Defraction, and Infrared), and e. Breathing Air; and 6.) SAFE DRINKING WATER. Modules that have been designated as SB/SDB set-asides under SIC code 8734 are Water Quality and Nutrient Parameters, under STANDARD SERVICES, Metals, and Organic-Acids under INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE, and SAFE DRINKING WATER. The module titles within each catagory may increase based on the needs and demands of the Site(s). Samples consist of groundwater, surface water, soils, subsurface soils, sludges, sediments, granular activated carbon, fabrics, plastics, resins, residues, filtrates, retainates, filters, filtration materials, non-aqueous solutions, air, gases, biota, animal tissues, plant tissues, acquatic tissues, whole mammals, whole insects, whole fish and other acquatic life, polycarbonate filters, waste filter socks, asphalt, concrete and other solids, mixed matrices and combinations thereof. Specific SOW modules identified above may not be available at the time of RFP issuance and therefore, will not be inclluded in the RFP. Contractor(s) may elect to specifically identify and incorporate SOW modules not previously established for the analytical catagories included in the aforementioned RFP (and/or incorporate additional modules) and associated pricing, utilizing only the successful Offerors responding to the initial RFP. THIS ACQUISITION IS A TWO STEP PROCESS. The FIRST STEP will be determined on a go/no-go basis to establish Offerors meeting the Pre-Qualification Criteria as specified below. OFFERORS SUBMITTING RESPONSES TO THIS PRE-SOLICITATION/PRE-QUALLIFICATION NOTICE SHALL PROVIDE A COVER LETTER SIGNED BY AN AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE WHICH PROVIDES RESPONSES AND CERTIFICATIONS TO PRE-QUALIFICATIONS CRITERIA AS FOLLOWS: 1.) a list of modules for which the Offeror intends to propose identified as ''Module(s) of Interest'' and specifically identify: (a) analytical catagory, (b) module name, and (c) the radiological contamination status of anticipated samples, i.e. rad., non-rad., or both. Module names shall be referenced using titles from the above listing. 2.) LICENSE - CERTIFY that Offerors identifying rad analyses as an area of interest possess a current radioactive license. 3.) HEALTH & SAFETY - CERTIFY that Offeror maintains a documented Health & Safety Program which addresses the elements of 29 CFR 1910.1200 and 1910.1450. 4.) OCCURRENCE NOTIFICATION - CERTIFY that Offeror maintains a documented occurrence notification system which addresses the elements of 29 CFR 1910.1200, 1910.1450 and the radioactive material license requirements. 5.) OCCUPATIONAL INJURY - CERTIFY Offeror's occupational injury and illness reporting program meets the requirements of 29 CFR 1904. 6.) PERFORMANCE EVALUATION - CERTIFY that Offeror has participated in at least one nationally accepted or commercially operated performance evaluation program (identify program, i.e., DOE-EML, EPA EMSL-LV) and have passed the previous two consecutive sample submissions for each analytical area of interest. 7.) QUALITY ASSURANCE - CERTIFY Offeror has a documented and implemented Quality Assurance Program in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 830.120, DOE Order 5700.6c, ANSI/ASQC E4-1994, ASME NQA-1, ISO 9000 and Good Laboratory Practices 40 CFR Part 792. 8.) PROCEDURES - CERTIFY Offeror's documented procedures for analytical operations are in accordance with the requirements of 49 CFR 792.81. 9.) WASTE COLLECTION - CERTIFY that Offeror possesses a documented waste collection program and the capability to dispose of laboratory residues and unused samples (hazardous, radioactive, and/or mixed, as applicable) in accordance with Local, State and Federal requirements. 10.) HAZMAT - CERTIFY Offeror has within its employ a ''Hazmat'' employee in accordance with the requirements of 49 CFR Part 172. 11.) FUME HOODS - CERTIFY that operable fume hoods are tested in accordance with the requirements of ANSI/AIHA Z9.5-1992 (Laboratory Fume Hood section) and ANSI/ASHRAE 110-1985. 12.) SECURITY - CERTIFY that Offeror possesses a documented and implemented procedure which appropriately define its facility security to validate sample integrity. 13.) CERTIFICATIONS - CERTIFY that Offeror possesses appropriate certifications for SOW module(s) identified as area of interest (i.E. AIHA, Colorado and/or Nevada Safe Drinking Water etc.). 14.) ELECTRONIC DATA TRANSFER - CERTIFY that Offeror possesses ability to generate and transfer analytical data electronically. AS SOLELY DETERMINED BY CONTRACTORS, THE OMISSION OR FAILURE TO CORRECTLY AND SATISFACTORILY RESPOND OR CERTIFY TO ANY PRE-QUALIFICATION CRITERION AS REQUIRED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN THE OFFERORS ELIMINATION FROM FURTHUR CONSIDERATION. No other information, except as specified herein (i.e. cover letter addressing pre-qualification responses/certifications) shall be included in Offerors pre-qualification submission. The SECOND STEP will be a RFP issued only to Offerors meeting the pre-qualification criteria identified herein. Specific SOW modules for the RFP will be limited to those that are available at the time of RFP issuance and to those identified by Offeror as a Module of Interest within Offeror's Pre-Qualification submittal. The RFP will include Module SOWs and request fixed fully burdened unit rates (including fee/profit) for specific laboratory analytical services including, but not limited to, hard copy and electronic deliverables, shipping cooler return, waste disposal (rad and non-rad), all Quality Control (QC), method blanks, spikes, and duplicates, etc. The RFP will include a request for pricing on ''expedited'' laboratory analytical services and a request for fixed unit labor rates to compensate for development of other Contractor identified analyses within the awarded module(s) SOW. No other costs will be authorized or compensated by Contractor. Offeror's cost proposal will be applied to a Cost Proxy Model to develop aggregate pricing for evaluation purposes. OFFERORS MUST PROPOSE ON ALL RFP ANALYSES WITHIN INDIVIDUAL MODULE TO BE CONSIDERED FOR AN AWARD. The overall evaluation criteria will be described by the RFP documents. A Pre-award Audit may be conducted to verify Offeror's Proposal as it related to the specific RFP requirements. NOTE: No lower-tier subcontracting will be allowed. However, joint ventures, limited liability companies, or other SINGLE level entities as ''Offeror'' will be considered by Contractors. All work shall be performed within Offeror's organization. Contractor may, or may not award a subcontract on the basis of the RFP. Contractor will not pay proposal preparation costs amd makes no warranty as to the total amount of services to be required and reserves the right to require no services during the subcontract period. Contractor is under no obligation to acquire analytical services solely from a holder of a subcontract resulting from the solicitation. Work contemplated by this acquisition may be awarded in full or in part to other subcontractors. Telephone calls will not be accepted. Any questions shall be in writing to D. P. Timbes at the FAX numbers listed above by close of business July 15, 1996. For a copy of all questions/responses, send your written request, including FAX number, to D. P. Timbes, by July 17, 1996. Offeror's Pre-qualification Submittals are due by 4:00 p.m. local Denver time on July 25, 1996. No further project specific information will be furnished. (0185)

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B - Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D Index Page