Loren Data Corp.




VA Medical Center (90C), 3601 South Sixth Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85723

66 -- BACTERIAL CULTURE MONITORING SYSTEM DUE 072496 POC Richard Trevino, Contract Specialist The Department of Veterans Medical Center, Tucson, AZ, is currently seeking to identify sources interested in providing a DIFCO ESP Bacterial Culture Monitoring System, OR EQUAL, on a cost per test basis. The system, as a minimum, shall have the following specifications: 1) automated, continuous monitoring system to monitor cultures continuously for the absence of gas that appears only when a microbe is present. The monitoring system shall be non-radiometric; 2) ability to culture all specimen types, including blood; and 3) FDA approved (510K) method (cleared for clinical use). The equipment will remain the property of the contractor. The contractor will provide all consumable materials necessary for the testing to be performed, all service and maintenance, training, replacement parts and technical-mechanical computer upgrades. All firms interested should provide the following information to Mr. Richard Trevino, Contract Specialist, at the address indicated, by COB July 24, 1996: 1) descriptive literature supporting equipment technical capabilities and 2) list of customers and point(s) of contact where this equipment has been provided. This is a request for information only. A solicitation does not currently exist. Any requests for copies of a solicitation or requests that do not include the above information will be disregarded. No payment will be made for information submitted. See Note 22. (0187)

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