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Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, 2531 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Arlington, VA 22242-5160

A -- RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SOL N00024-96-R- POC Charles Cirino, SEA 0254, Contracting Officer, (703)602-8100 x540. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SOL NOOO24-96-R POC (PART II), C. Cirino, Contracting Officer, (703) 602-8100. Respective PEO (SC/AP) top requirement drives and technology needs over the next three to five years are as follows: 1. Total Situational Awareness. Sensor and advanced signal processing technology applications for damage assessment, ship space monitoring and machinery diagnostics, multi-sensor data correlation, multi-spectral integration, battle management and data fusion, data compression and multi-level security. 2. Robotics and Automation. Capabilities for remote control and handling of shipboard equipments/systems, handling of towed arrays and off-board unmanned vehicles/sensors, heavy munitions. 3. Integrated Topside Design. Low signature equipments and weapons, full multifunction radar, integrated sensors, communications, navigation, identification, electronic warfare functions, advanced materials, embedded functions, signature control for RCS, IR, EM(LPI) and visible, EMI control for simultaneous operation of topside sensors, increased survivability and graceful degradation against fragmentation damage and first hit, reduced lifecycle cost through elimination of watchstanders, and reduced maintenance of topside components and structures. 4. Condition Based Maintenance. Advanced sensors, data correlation, condition monitoring and self diagnostics. 5. Advanced Computer Architecture Concepts. Integration of COTS equipments, operating systems, interconnection networks, displays, distributed processing, system controls and reconfigurable architectures. 6. Affordability. Human/machine interface and displays, automation functions. 7. Naval Fire Support. Advanced propellants, automated magazines, modular caseless charges, modular projectiles, high pressure materials, W-band seekers, automated function, automatic target recognition, modular ship interfaces. 8. Alternative Defensive Weapon Concepts. High energy lasers and microwave devices. 9. Reduced Manning. Concepts which allow shipboard and infrastructure manpower reduction. 10. Alternative Power Generation and Propulsion Systems. 11. Modeling and Simulation. Simulation based design, performance models, test and evaluation, training, and exercises. All of the above PEO(SC/ SP) technologies should consider reduced manning, logistics support, reduced maintenance/maintenance free missions, and design for producibility, to the extent possible, in their development. Concept papers not focused on these specific areas, but address other design drivers, will also be considered. Concept papers pertaining to the following PEO(TAD) less specific technology need areas will also be considered. PEO(TAD) : Theater Ballistic Missile Defense. Weapon System: Increase theater ballistic missile detection capability of shipboard radars. Improve ability for concurrent anti-air warfare and Theater Ballistic Missile Defense missions. Improve kill assessment and threat evaluation weapon assignment capabilities. Enhance track capability in all conditions. Improve weapon system/missile integration. Improve countermeasures capability against targeting/launching threat platforms. Interceptors: Improve terminal guidance. Reduce aerothermal effects on missile performance. Increase lethality effectiveness. Improve interceptor kill assessment and discrimination capability. Extend acquisition capability. Expand capability to fly to acceptable hand-over basket. Demonstrate critical performance areas through test and evaluation. Decrease launcher limitations. BMC3: Improve upon real-time processing interfaces, command and decision aids, and affordable theater-wide communications. Off- Ship Sensors: Address space weight/power consideration, improved cueing, improved target consideration, increased handover capabilities, improved kill assessment, increase survivability, data latency /convergence considerations, and reliable long range surveillance. Area/Ship Anti-Air Defense. Detect: Expand firm track range capability. Provide fully compatible system architectures. Expand use of electro-magnetic spectrum. Improve counter-counter measures capability. Increase capability in natural & manmade operating environments. Control: Optimize weapon system/interceptor resource management. Improve kill assessment capability. Enhance track accuracy and identification resolution. Improve combat ID and situation awareness. Increase threat reaction time. Engage: Improve ability to counter high ''G'' targets. Increase probability of kill against anti-ship cruise missiles. Increase keep out range (engagement envelope). Improve defense in depth capability. Increase gun barrel life. Minimize launcher limitations. Reduce launcher life erosion from rocket ablative flows. Multi-purpose launcher capability. Improve ship survivability. Improve capability to counter multi-mode and late seeker turn-on. Increase capability to degrade/destroy hostile platforms during targeting and launching. To assure that each concept addressing a PEO( TAD)/ PEO (SC/AP) need is properly focused, industry and joint government/industry representatives are srongly encouraged to participate in the PEO(TAD) and PEO (SC/AP) evaluation process. If an ATD concept is highly regarded, PEO( TAD)/ PEO (SC/AP) may request that the submitter(s) provide a brief to the PEO( TAD)/ PEO (SC/AP) ATD evaluation panel in the October 1996 timeframe. If the panel determines that a concept could be enhanced by additional coordination within the DON, the submitter(s) may be encouraged to further develop the concept in conjunction with a Naval Sea Systems Command, a Naval Warfare Center, or the Naval Research Laboratory. Before a final list of concepts is recommended to N86 for inclusion in the FY99 ATD Program, submitter(s) may be requested to provide a final brief to the PEO( TAD)/ PEO (SC/AP) evaluation panel in the November 1996 timeframe. Format: Concept papers should be a one page synopsis containing: (1) Title, (2) OPNAV Sponsor, (3) PEO(TAD)/PEO (SC/AP) need being addressed, (4) current warfighting or warfighting support shortfall, (5) ATD Goal, (6) Brief Description, (7) Projected Payoff, (8)Transition Plan, (9) Funding required (FY99-01) and (10) Point of Contact. Those activities who have the capability to submit concept papers via electronic media should submit them to the appropriate PEO via E-Mail in MS Word 6.0 or PPT 4.0. Respective E-Mail addresses are as follows: For PEO(TAD) specific Concept Papers: technology_information_ center@hq.navsea.navy.mil. For PEO (SC/AP) specific Concept Papers: britton_richard@hq.navsea.navy.mil. Be advised, NAVSEA has a 2MB E-Mail limit for routing, PKZIP, STUFFIT, and UUENCODE are supported. For those activities that do not have the capability to submit via E-Mail, only one hard copy of each concept paper should be submitted to the following addresses: For PEO(TAD) specific Concept Papers: Department of the Navy, Program Executive Office (Theater Air Defense), Attn: Mr. A. Supsiri PEO(TAD)- D21B and Mr. E. Newman PEO(TAD)-D2A2, 2531 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22242-5170. For PEO (SC/AP) specific Concept Papers: Department of the Navy, Program Executive Office for Surface Combatants/AEGIS Program Manager, Attn. Mr. R. Britton PMS 400BX, 2531 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22242-5165. Strict confidentiality of proprietary information is assured to the extent permitted by Federal Law. ATD concept papers must arrive no later than close of business, 13 September 1996. Submittals received after that date will not be evaluated by PEO(TAD) and PEO (SC/AP). Selection criteria: The PEO(TAD)/PEO (SC/AP) evaluation of ATD candidates will be based on the following criteria: (1) Responsiveness to PEO(TAD)/ PEO (SC/AP) needs, (2) Potential for program sponsor support, (3) Potential for transition, (4) Potential payoff (step improvement in performance, affordability, maintainability. reliability, manpower utilization, etc.), (5) High technical merit and risk, (6) Technical feasibility (include maturity of technology), (7) Completion in 3 years or less, and (8) Funding of less than $15M. No funds have yet been appropriated for the FY99 DON ATD Program. This announcement provides no funding for concept development purposes. Concept papers will not be returned after evaluation. Participation in the PEO(TAD)/ PEO (SC/AP) evaluation process does not preclude or supersede direct participation in the DON Advanced Technology Demonstration process to be conducted by the Office of Naval Research. Unless otherwise stated herein, no additional written information is available, nor will a formal BAA, RFP or other solicitation regarding this announcement be issued. Requests for the same will be disregarded. The Government reserves the right to select all, some, or none of the concepts received in response to this announcement. (0190)

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