Loren Data Corp.




Commanding Officer, Engineering Field Activity, Chesapeake, 901 M Street, SE, Bldg 212, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC 20374-5018

Y -- ADVANCED SYSTEM INTEGRATION LABORATORY (PHASE I), NAVAL AIR STATION, PATUXENT RIVER, MARYLAND SOL N62477-94-R-0010 DUE 091396 POC Contracting Officer: Alyson Harbage (202) 685-3222 This project includes the construction of a large hangar type building with a radio frequency shielded anechoic chamber, an aircraft parking apron with a steel ground plane and aircraft tie-downs, a water pumphouse, a water storage tank, two small buildings, chamber lean-to, site improvements, utility connection and incidental related work. The estimated construction cost exceeds $20 million. The project also includes an option to provide all radar absorbing material (RAM), including metal panels and the metal panel/RAM support system in the Advanced System Integration Laboratory chamber. The estimated construction cost of the option is between $5 and $10 million. The documents identify project design elements, building systems and materials through scope drawings, written design criteria, and technical specifications. The successful offeror will be required to complete the design documentation and construction of the project in compliance with these requirements. The contractor will be selected through competitive negotiations and award will be based on the best value to the Government. Selection will be based on price and non-priced criteria to include: Past Performance; Relevant Team Experience, including the general contractor, designer(s)/design team members, hanger constructor, RF shielding installer, and anechoic material manufacturer/installer; Management Capabilities; and Project Specific Information and Data. A non-refundable charge of $150.00 is required per RFP package. Checks should be made out Engineering Field Activity Chesapeake and mailed or requested in person. Facsimile requests will not honored. The date for issuance of the RFP is 9 August 1996. The date for receipt of proposals is 13 September 1996. A preproposal conference and site visit will be held on 29 August 1996 at the Naval Air Station, Patuxent River, Maryland. Please contact the individual stated above for further details. The standard industrial code is 1542. This procurement is UNRESTRICTED. (0199)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0141 19960718\Y-0005.SOL)

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