COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF SEPTEMBER 5,1996 PSA#1673Contracting Officer (90C), VA Connecticut Healthcare System, West Haven
Campus, 40 Industry Drive, West Haven, CT 06516 B -- MENTAL HEALTH CROSS SYSTEM STUDY SOL RFQ 689-138-96 DUE 092396
POC Michele Pompane, Contract Specialist, (203) 937-3079. The
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Connecticut Healthcare System,
West Haven Campus, intends to negotiate a sole source procurement with
National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors Research
Institute, Inc., 66 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 302, Alexandria, VA 22314
to develop studies related to cross system utilization by veterans of
the state mental health agency (SMHA) operated and/or funded by the
mental health system and the VA system. A client level database for at
least three states that depicts the usage of the SMHA system by
veterans shall be developed and be used for these analyses. These
studies shall be developed for the Northeast Program Evaluation Center
(NEPEC) at the West Haven Campus. This procurement is under the
authority of FAR 6.302. All proposals received within 10 days of the
date of this notice will be considered by the Government. A
determination based upon responses to this notice is soley within the
discretion of the Government. Information received will be considered
solely for the purpose of determining whether to conduct a competitive
procurement. (0247) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0009 19960904\B-0004.SOL)
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