Loren Data Corp.




US Department of Commerce/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1325 East West Highway - Station 4301, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910-3283

V -- LODGING-HOTEL/MOTEL SOL 6-4361 POC Sandy Souders, Lawrence Frazier (301) 713-0854 The U.S. Dept. of Commerce/NMFS has a requirement for a hotel conference package (including sleeping rooms for 30 participants; meeting room rental; A/V support; and business center support) for the 1996 NOAA conference to be held in Honolulu, Hawaii on November 16-24, 1996. The selected hotel must meet the following criteria: 1) proximity to Western Pacific Fishery Management Council; 2) block of 20 sleeping rooms at the government rate; 3) on-site business center; 4) on-site audio/visual support; free meeting room for committee meeting; 6) ability to upgrade 2 sleeping rooms to accommodate informal subcommittee meeting requirements. Interested parties may write to the address above for solicitation document, to be received no later than 15 days after the date of this notice. Award will be made under Simplified Acquisition Procedures. (Reference No. 6-4361) (0254)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0107 19960911\V-0008.SOL)

V - Transportation, Travel and Relocation Services Index Page