COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF SEPTEMBER 19,1996 PSA#1683U.S. Geological Survey, Branch of Acquisition and Federal Assistance,
Building 53, Box 25046, MS204B, Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO
GRAPH REVISIONS POC Lynda Carlson, Contracting Officer, (303) 236-5900
x-351 The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Mapping Division
(NMD), requiresprofessional mapping services to provide current Digital
Line Graph data from imagery. Workunder this contract includes: 1)
Production of Digital Line Graphs (DLG's) to variousprojections,
scales, horizontal/vertical datums, coordinate systems, file formats,
and contentlevels; 2) capture of new digital map data using current
imagery; 3) revision of existing digitalmap data using current imagery;
4) use of a variety of revision sources including imagery,existing
digital data files, map source, and documents; 5) integration and
conflation of multipledigital data files; 6) use of a variety of types
of digital imagery and/or analog imagery; 7) use ofmonoscopic and
stereoscopic photogrammetric equipment and methods; 8)
photointerpretation ofmap features from imagery; 9) elevation revision
of DLG's, Tagged Vector Contours (TVC's)and Digital Elevation Models
(DEM's); 10) acquisition of ancillary digital data, imagery, andrelated
map information; 11) use of Digital Raster Graphics (DRG's); 12)
research, acquisitionand use of boundary and names information; 13)
production within a classified facility (notmandatory); 14) use of
Internet telecommunications; 15) knowledge of USGS TechnicalStandards,
product specifications and related technical instructions; and 16) an
extensive qualityassurance program. Overall contractor project
supervision and oversight shall be performed by acertified or licensed
professional engineer with demonstrated skills in all phases of
thisannouncement including photogrammetry, image processing, digital
cartography, surveying, andgeodesy. It is the Government's intent to
award multiple contracts in an effort to continue todevelop and
maintain a competitive commercial resource base. Each indefinite
quantity contractwill be for a base year with up to four (4) one-year
options. Production capacity - the contractormust be able to produce a
minimum of eight 7.5-minute, 24,000-scale, digital limited
updaterevisions a month; each revision consisting of all overlays
except Boundaries and Public LandSurvey System (PLSS). Delivery orders
will be negotiated and awarded based upon eachcontractor's 1)
performance on contract delivery orders, and 2) capacity. The
Government mayfurnish: 1) Imagery consisting of: Digital
Orthophotography Quadrangles (DOQ's), NationalAerial Photography
Program (NAPP) photography (film positives & prints), low flying
projectphotography, or classified source imagery; 2) Original map
source consisting of either: existingDLG files, DRG, other digital
vector files such as Arc coverages, a set of film stable bases of
theoriginal map separates; 3) Project material consisting of project
diagrams, project names,quadrangle or map names, GFM evaluation
reports, published topographic maps, flight linediagrams and control
diagrams. The Government may also furnish: 1) Boundaries; 2) Names(GNIS
names and other applicable names); and 3) PLSS information. The
Government mayauthorize the contractor to obtain the necessary imagery.
The Government may also authorizethe contractor to research, evaluate,
and obtain ancillary digital data to aid in the revisionprocess. In
the later stages of the contract the contractor shall research and
obtain currentboundary plat/descriptions, and PLSS information for the
production of boundary and PLSSthemes. Additionally, in later stages
of the contract, the Government may request that thecontractor research
and obtain appropriate and current Names information.
Governmentstandards and publications are necessary for performing work
under this contract. The contractorshall be responsible for obtaining
these documents. The National Mapping Program (NMP)Geospatial Data
Standards is a suite of technical documentation that describes the
standards andthe production processes for the NMP's digital and graphic
products. These documents exist inthe form of Standards, User Manuals,
Procedure Manuals, and Data User Guides. A list of therequired
documents and ordering information can be obtained through the Internet
athttp://rmmcweb.cr.usgs.gov/public/contracts. Some of these documents
can be accessed directlythrough the Internet at
http://www-nmd.usgs.gov/www/html/2nmpgds.html. Hardcopy orderscan be
placed at the Earth Science Information Center, U.S. Geological Survey,
Box 25046,Bldg. 810, DFC MS 504, Denver, CO 80225-0046, Telephone (303)
202-4200. Refer to theChecklist of the MANUAL OF TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS
for the status and dates for thelatest version as well as the dates and
transmittal numbers for all change pages. The deliverableproduct will
consist primarily of a DLG-3 file in Optional distribution format with
content levelsconsisting of: 1) Limited Update - usually consisting of
the categories: PLSS, Boundaries,Hydrography, Transportation (Roads and
Trails; Railroads; Pipelines, Transmission Lines, andMisc.
Transportation Features), Hypsography, Manmade Features, Survey Control
and Markers,Vegetative Surface Cover, and Non-Vegetation Surface Cover,
although all may not necessarilybe revised. The features included are
those which can be identified with certainty byphotointerpretation; 2)
CORE content - consisting of a sub-set of map features found in
limitedupdate - the features included are also those which can be
identified with certainty byphotointerpretation; 3) Standard Update -
This product will usually consist of revision of all nineoverlays
above. Content completeness and attribute correctness are usually
verified through fieldidentification or checking. For all content
levels the following characteristics must be addressed:1) positional
accuracy, 2) line quality, 3) content, 4) attributes, 5) topology, 6)
edge align, 7) filestructure, and 8) metadata. The later stages of the
contract will require the deliverable to be aDLG-F. The DLG-F
conceptual model involves four components; feature, locational
attribute,non-locational attribute, and relationship. Additionally,
elevation data in the form of DLG's,TVC's and DEM's may be contracted
to be revised by the contractor. Quality is a key element ofthis
contract. Each delivery order requires the production of a large number
of data items withfew if any errors tolerated. Achieving virtually
error free production requires a comprehensivequality program that
builds quality into the product. Therefore, the contractor shall comply
withANSI/ASQC Q-9002-1994 (ISO-9002). These standards can be ordered
from the AmericanSociety for Quality Control at 1-800-248-1946.
Certification is desirable, but not mandatory.Verification of all
deliverable data will be performed for each data category within a
quadrangleor data set. These inspections are intended to satisfy
compliance with the following: Content(include all applicable current
data); Positional Accuracy (absolute and relative placement);
LineQuality (proper vertex string shape and density); Vertical
Registration between theme categories(relative position and inter-theme
alignment); Attribution (codes and values); Format (conform tospecified
deliverable structures); Topology (element and vertex relationships);
and EdgeAlignment (continuity across data set edges). See the product
standards and related technicalinstructions for specific requirements.
The deliverable will be completely quality checked usingvisual
inspection and software. When the contractor's quality system is
determined to be incontrol, sampling will then be used as experience
warrants. The government will use and makeavailable public domain
quality control software to aid in achieving quality. Government
publicdomain software is available to assist in production and quality
control. A list of this softwarewith brief descriptions can be
accessed through the Internet at
http://rmmcweb.cr.usgs.gov/public/contracts. Some revision delivery
orders will require the useof imagery classified as SECRET, similar in
format to a DOQ. Therefore the use of this imagerywill be limited to
contractors that have access to a classified facility and have
personnel thatpossess the necessary security clearances. It is
desirable that contractors can meet theserequirements, but it is not
mandatory. Contractors performing classified operations must be
inaccordance with the National Industrial Security Program Operating
Manual (NISPOM).Information on NISPOM can be obtained by writing to:
Department of Defense, AssistantSecretary of Defense for Command,
Control, Communications and Intelligence, ATTN:DASD(I&S)/CI&SP, Room
3E160, 6000 Defense Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20301-6000.Firms having
the capabilities to perform this work and that desire to be considered
must submit:(1) a completed Standard Form 254 (11/92 edition),
Architect-Engineer and Related ServicesQuestionnaire, (2) a Standard
form 255 (11/92 edition) Architect-Engineer and Related
ServicesQuestionnaire for Specific Project, and any requested
supplemental data to the procurementoffice shown. Only SF-254's and
255's received in this office within 45 calendar days from thedate of
the CBD notice will be considered for selection, subject to any
limitations indicated withrespect to specialized technical expertise or
other requirements. Following an initial evaluationof the qualification
and performance data submitted, three or more firms considered to be
mosthighly qualified to provide the type of services required will be
chosen for negotiation. Selectionof firms for negotiation will be
through an order of preference based on demonstratedcompetence and
qualifications necessary for the satisfactory performance of the type
ofprofessional services required. Significant Evaluation Factors in
their relative order ofimportance are: (1) Professional Qualifications
-- professional qualifications and composition ofthe proposed team
including: proposed skill mix; demonstrated experience of the team as
a wholeand the experience of individual team members directly related
to: a) USGS graphic maps andtheir specifications; b) DLG's and their
specifications including DLG-3 and DLG-F; c) DOQ's; d)DRG's; e)
Photointerpretation; f) Photogrammetry; g) Ancillary vector data; h)
Maptransformations (including datums, projections, and coordinate
systems); I) Technical flexibility(innovation necessary to keep pace
with evolving product specifications, sources andtechnology); and j)
DEM's. (2) Technological Solutions -- Capabilities of the A&E's
workprocedures, equipment and software to effectively provide a
technological solution to therequirements of Factor (1). (3) Past
Performance on previous contracts -- Relating to theprofessional
qualifications in (1) above, the A&E shall provide information on the
following: a)Quality of product, b) Compliance with contract
requirements, c) Accuracy of reports, d)Technical excellence, e)
Timeliness of performance, f) Maintenance of cost controls and
costefficiencies, g) Customer satisfaction including the business
relationship maintained with thecontracting officer and technical
representatives, h) Satisfaction of the actual end users of theproduct,
I) Effective contractor recommended solutions, j) Business-like concern
forGovernment's interests, k) Prior performance of key personnel
selected to manage and work onthe contract, and l) Quality
certifications and awards. (4) Specialized Experience --Demonstrated
specialized experience in performing, and proposed organizational
approach toaccomplishing the major elements of work under the proposed
contracts. Address prime,subcontractor and consultant roles in
performing each work element (see evaluation factor (1)above for these
elements). (5) Proven Ability to Meet Delivery Schedules -- Ability of
the firmto accomplish the contemplated work within required time
limits; as demonstrated by the impactof this workload on the firm's
permanent staff, projected workload during the anticipated
serviceperiod, the firm's history of successfully completing projects
in compliance with performanceschedules. Provide specific experience
and relate time frames to successful accomplishment ofsimilar efforts.
On-time deliveries are critical to meet time-critical USGS
customerrequirements. (6) Project Management/Coordination --
Availability of additional contractorpersonnel or consultants to
support expansion or project acceleration. Demonstrate
projectcoordination and management skills and experience in working
together as a team. (7) QualityAssurance/Quality Control -- Adequacy of
quality assurance and quality control procedures tosuccessfully
complete all phases of this project. This will be evaluated using the
elements ofISO-9002. (8) Capacity -- Capacity to produce revised
Digital Line Graphs and flexibility tomeet increasing demand. This is
not a Request for Proposal and there are no solicitationpackages. Only
one member of a consortium, the prime, is permitted to submit a
proposalrepresenting the consortium. All subcontractors must be
identified and have SF-254's and 255'ssubmitted, along with the
documents submitted by the prime contractor. Prior to award, theslated
firms may be required to demonstrate at their facility the capability
to performphotogrammetric operations, create and edit DLG files, and
demonstrate quality assurancepractices. A USGS Contracting Pre-Proposal
Conference for Digital Revision Services isplanned for 9:00 AM to 5:00
PM, October 3, 1996, Room 2000, Bldg. 810, Denver FederalCenter, Sixth
Avenue and Kipling, Denver, Colorado. Enter at Gate One. Interested
partiesshould fax their reservations and any questions to Lynda Carlson
(303)236-2710. (0261) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0012 19960918\C-0001.SOL)
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