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FALL 1996 COLLABORATION CONFERENCE: HUMAN FACTORS IN COLLABORATION: OUTSIDE THE CUBICLE TO A BETTER WORKPLACE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1996 NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY/OPS-1 BUILDING FRIEDMAN AUDITORIUM The National Security Agency, the Intelink Collaborative Computing Tools Working Group (CCTWG), the National Imagery and Mapping Agency/Office of Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (Formerly the National Exploitation Lab), and the DIA JIVA Integration Management Office are sponsoring a Fall 1996 Collaboration Conference Series. The second Conference of this three-part Conference series, Human Factors in Collaboration: Outside the Cubicle to a Better Workplace, will be held on Thursday, October 24, 1996 at the National Security Agency/OPS-1 Building Friedman Auditorium. The focus for the second of this three-part conference series on collaboration is to learn from practitioners of collaborative information production - those who have ``been there and done that''. The human, work-culture factors that make collaboration succeed or fail will be explored. Speakers from Universities, Industry, and the Intelligence Community will present lessons learned and insights from their experiences. Questions such as How do we create a work culture that will foster successful collaborative work?, Can we achieve production efficiencies through collaboration?, How do people work together in a co-authoring environment?, and What is the role of managers and analysts in intragency and inter-agency cooperative production? will be addressed. Also, an afternoon discussion panel of our speakers and other guests will interact with our audience to explore audience concerns and questions helped accomplish the requirements. All Intelligence and DoD Commands, Analysts, Technologists, IT Managers, Engineers, Managers of entities preparing to adopt collaborative initiatives into their environment, computer professionals, various agency educators and instructors, functional and systems program managers, mission support personnel, industry leaders with collaborative initiatives, and anyone interested in learning more about collaborative computing technology is encouraged to attend this conference. Don't miss this chance to attend this informative conference. For further information on registering for this conference, please call Marla Slahetka at 301-596-0770 ext. 216 or for on-line registration information, visit http://www.nsbc.org/collab/conf.html.

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