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C -- FIXED PRICE CONTRACT FOR A-E SERVICES IN DESIGN OF PRIMARY CARE CLINIC, FORT HOOD, TEXAS SOL DACA63-96-R-0058 DUE 103096 POC Contact: Jerrell Freeman, (817) 978-2262 (Site Code DACA63) 1. CONTRACT INFORMATION: A-E services are required for: site investigation, planning, survey and geotech report (option), engineering studies, concept design, final design (option), and construction phase services (option) for the subject project. Construction phase services may include preparation of operation and maintenance manuals and shop drawing approval. This announcement is open to all businesses regardless of size. A firm-fixed-price contract will be negotiated. The contract is anticipated to be awarded in March 1997. If a large business is selected for this contract, it must comply with FAR 52.219-9 regarding the requirement for a subcontracting plan on that part of the work it plans to subcontract. The Fort Worth District goal is that 52.5% of the intended subcontracted amount be placed as follows: 8.8% be placed with Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB); 3% with Women Owned Business (WOB); 5.5% with Historically Black College & Universities or Minority Institutions (HBCU/MI) and the remaining 35.2% with Small Businesses (SB). The plan is not required with this submittal. 2. PROJECT INFORMATION: This project will design an outpatient medical clinic of approximately 5800 gross square meter (gsm) to provide Family Practice health services to active duty personnel and their eligible beneficiaries. Supporting facilities include water, sewer, natural gas, HVAC, electric service, security lighting, parking, storm drainage, communication and information systems, and general site improvements. Project will be designed in accordance with: MILHDBK-1191, DoD Medical and Dental Treatment Facilities Design and Construction Criteria; Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS); and Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG). The design will be prepared in the metric system of measurement. Construction cost estimates will be prepared on IBM-compatible personal computers using Corps of Engineers' Computer Aided Cost Estimating System (M-CACES) (software provided by Government) or similar software. Design drawings will be produced in a format fully compatible with Microstation 32 Version 4.0.3 or higher. The specifications will be computer generated using Corps of Engineers Military Construction Guide Specifications. The responses to design review comments will be provided on Corps of Engineers Automated Review Management System (ARMS). Work may include asbestos and lead basd paint abatement. The estimated construction cost of this project is between 10 and 20 million dollars. 3. SELECTION CRITERIA: See Note 24 for general selection process. The selection criteria are listed below in descending order of importance (first by major criterion and then by each subcriterion). Criteria ''a'' through ''e'' are primary. Criteria ''f'' through ''g'' are secondary and will only be used as tie-breakers between technically equal firms. a. Specialized experience and technical competence of the firm and consultants in: (1) Design of medical facilities. (2) Life safety and fire protection design of medical facilities. (3) Knowledge of the locality of the project including geologic features, climatic conditions, and local construction methods. (4) Use of automated design systems described above (M-CACES, CADD, and ARMS). b. Qualified professional personnel in the following key disciplines: project management; medical facility planning, architecture, mechanical, electrical, fire protection, structural, civil, and communication engineering; cost estimating; certified industrial hygienist; medical equipment planning; interior design; operation and maintenance systems. Registered professionals are required in the following disciplines: architecture, mechanical, electrical, fire protection, structural, and civil engineering. The evaluation will consider education, training, registration, overall and relevant experience, and longevity with the firm. c. Experience producing quality designs based on an evaluation of a firm's design quality management plan (DQMP). The DQMP should include an organization chart and briefly address management approach, team organization, quality control procedures, cost control, value engineering, coordination of inhouse disciplines and subcontractors, and prior experience of the prime firm and any significant consultants on similar projects. d. Past performance on DoD and other contracts with respect to quality of work, cost control, and compliance with performance schedules. e. Capacity to complete the concept design (35 percent) by Aug 97 and the final design by Aug 98. The evaluation will consider the experience of the firm and any consultants in similar size projects, and the availability of an adequate number of personnel in key disciplines. f. Extent of participation of small businesses, small disadvantaged businesses, historically black colleges and universities, and minority institutions in the proposed contract team, measured as a percentage of the total estimated effort. g. Volume of DoD contract awards in the last 12 months as described in Note 24. 4. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: See Note 24 for general submission requirements. Interested firms having the capabilities to perform this work must submit one copy of SF 255 (11/92 edition) and one copy of SF 254 (11/92 edition) for the prime and for each consultant to the above address not later than close of business on the date listed above. In SF255, block 3b, provide the firm's ACASS number. In SF255, block 7, list specific project experience for key team members, indicate the team members role on each listed project (project manager, architect, design engineer, etc.), and identify where the team member is located if different from SF255, block 3b. In SF255, block 10, provide the DQMP and the names and telephones numbers of clients as references on three most recent, nonmilitary, medical facility designs. A project specific design quality control plan must be prepared and approved by the Government as a condition of contract award, but is not required with this submission. Short listed firms may be requested to submit up to 5 additional copies. Solicitation packages are not provided. This is not a request for proposal. (0268)

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