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TRAINING DEVICES, C-17 MAINTENANCE TRAINING DEVICES POC: Teresa Cochran, Contracting Officer, (513) 255-0366, ext 466 or DSN 785-033, ext 466. Since our last Industry Day in May, the program has taken a different approach for the acquisition of C-17 maintenance training. The program requirement is to acquire concurrency and CLS for the C-17 Maintenance Training Devices, plus obtain a maintenance training analysis (MTA). The MTA will provide a cost benefit analysis and recommendation on how to implement contractor provided maintenance technician training and associated cost. The objective of the MTA is to provide a detailed breakdown of the costs associated with blue suit C-17 maintenance training versus contractor provided C-17 maintenance training. The results of the MTA will be used as decision data by HQ AMC for possible implementation. The contractor that performs the concurrency and CLS, must also have the capability to incorporate the approved recommendations. A new Industry Days Schedule has been established for the C-17 MTS program. Industry Days are designed to disseminate program information as well as receive industry inputs to build a good draft RFP. The draft RFP is scheduled for release on 13 Nov 96. Four Industry Days are currently scheduled between now and mid December. The first Industry Day will be 8 Oct 96, at the AFIT Civil Engineering School Auditorium, Building 643, at Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. This will be a group meeting for all interested contractors to outline the current program and provide for questions and answers. We encourage a ``free flow'' of information during this meeting. This meeting is limited to two persons from each interested company. You may want to send your program manager, engineer or proposal preparation lead. The dates of 16-18 Oct 96 are set aside for ``One on One'' meetings between government and individual contractors. The primary purpose of these meetings is to obtain contractor input on ways to improve the draft RFP and the program execution plan. This meeting is limited to four persons from each interested company. The following are issues we want industry to consider and discuss with us during the ``One on One'' industry day: How should the MTA be structured? A second set of MTDs is in storage at the current contractor's facility. Who should be responsible for transferring that hardware to the new contractor? New contractor or the current contractor? Contractors: What is your opinion on the benefit of proposals presented both orally and in writing? Lead Engineer or Program Manager would be required to give presentation. What is the best way to set award fee percentages? What should the incentive emphasize? What is a sufficient amount of time for transition to successor? 90, 120 days or other? How much advance notice is needed for surge capability on the trainers? How can industry help us become more efficient and reduce the cost of the program? The government desires to give major responsibility for configuration control to the contractor. How should government insight be provided if the contractor controls the baseline? How can we streamline the testing process to make it a more efficient process and reduce government involvement? The third Industry Day is tentatively scheduled for the week of 18 Nov 96 at Charleston AFB, South Carolina. This session is to allow all interested contractors to view and gain a general knowledge level of the C-17 Maintenance Training Devices (MTD) during the Charleston visit. Contractors will be given a one hour tour on each of the twelve devices to include a briefing and demonstration. This session is tentatively scheduled for two days. This is a group meeting and limited to two persons from each interested company. Lastly, there will be another group Industry Day scheduled for 11 Dec 96. This will be the last opportunity for contractor input and questions concerning the acquisition prior to release of the formal Request For Proposal (RFP) in January. This meeting is limited to two persons from each interested company. The agenda for the 8 Oct 96 Industry Day can be found on the Pre-Award Information Exchange System (PIXS). As draft documents become available, they will be posted to the PIXS system. You can access the system by logging onto the Internet. Our PIXS address is http://www.pixs.wpafb.af.mil/page2.htm. From the ``Select a Library Page'', select ``C-17.'' All contractors planning to attend the 8 Oct 96 Industry Day are requested to contact the program office with your intentions no later than Thursday 3 Oct 96, by fax. Address the fax to the attention of Teresa Cochran, Contracting Officer, C-17 MTS. The fax number is (513) 255-0377. Administrative questions concerning the Industry Days may be directed to Ralph Thomas, commercial (513) 255-0366 ext. 492 or DSN 785-0366 ext. 492. His e-mail address is: ThomasRl@asc-yw.wpafb.af.mil. Note: Our telephone area code changes to 937 starting 28 Sep 96. An Ombudsman has been established for this acquisition. Potential offerors are invited to contact ASC's Ombudsman, Mr. Daniel L. Kugel, ASC/SY, Building 52, 2475 K Street, Suite 1, Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-7642, DSN 785-3855, COM: (513) 255-3855, email: kugeldl@sy.wpafb.af.mil with serious concerns only.

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