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General Services Administration,GSA Center (10PP),400 15th Street SW,Auburn, WA 98001-6599

C -- POKER CREEK JOINT USE BORDER STATION SOL GS-10P-96-LTC-0081 DUE 101696 POC Contact,Vincent J. Ryan,206/931-7699 Architect-Engineer (AE) Services for New Construction for Joint United States/Canada Port of Entry, Poker Creek AK, Little Gold Yukon Territory. The Joint Port of Entry shall consist of the redevelopment and expansion of the existing US and Canadian stations. The existing facilities will be expanded and shall consist primarily of new construction of administrative areas, inspection areas and residential units. Development of adjacent land is required. The project shall be phased to allow for full operation of the facilities through-out the project's duration. The facility will be occupied by the USCS, USINS and Revenue Canada. Total construction cost for the project is estimated at between $1,250,000 and $1,750,000. This Port of Entry serves as symbolic entries into the United States and Canada and must provide ''a visual testimony to the dignity, enterprise, vigor, and stability of the American and Canadian Governments.'' further, it must be an ''efficient and economical facility'' built for the US and Canadian Inspection Agencies. The objective of this selection process is to choose an excellent quality Key Designer (lead designer) and Key Design Firm, supported by highly qualified design professionals who will produce a project that exemplifies design. The Key Designer must be a registered architect in the State of Alaska and may be a member of the Key Design Firm. The facilities will be designed and constructed in ''hard'' metric (System International) units. The scope of AE Services under this proposed contract may include, but may not be limited to, the following: pre-design programming; site investigation (including geo-technical surveys and analyses, topographical and boundry surveys); complete design sevices; computer-aided design and drafting (CADD), working drawings; specifications (GSA versions of AIA Masterspec/CSI format), cost estimating (Uniformat level III/CSI Format), space planning, exterior and landscape design, interior design, value engineering services, post construction contract services and other required supplemental services if required. The AE Selection will be completed in two phases. The first phase (excellence slate selection) will establish design excellence as the initial level of selection.The second phase will determine the project team (Key Design Firm plus consultants) based on predetermined qualifications and will be the final phase in the process. Phase 1: In this selection process, the Key Designer and the associated Key Design Firm will, as a minimum, develop the philosophy and design intent for these buildings. A short list of a minimum of three firms will be developed based on this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) which will evaluate the design excellence qualifications of the Key Designer and the Key Design Firm. No other information shall be considered in the first stage. Interested firms shall submit a letter of intent and Standard Forms 254 and 255 for the Key Design Firm only. The selection shall be based on the following information: (1) Past Performance on Design (25%). For the Key Design Firm, submit 8''X10'' graphics (maximum of three per project)and a typewritten description (maximum of one page per project) of not more than five designs completed within the past ten years. The narrative shall address the design, philosophy, and intent for each project (include tangible evidence - affidavits, certificates, publication notices, awards, peer recognition, etc. demonstrating design excellence). (2) Philosophy and Design Intent (35%). In the Key Designer's words, (maximum of three typewritten pages), state overall design philosophy, approach to the challenge of resolving design issues, and parameters that apply specifically to the design of a facility in the Artic region of the country. (3) Profile for Key Designer (15%). Submit a biographical sketch of no more than a single page including education, professional experience and recognition for design efforts. Identify and describe areas of respsonsibility and commitment to this project. (4) Key Designer Portfolio (25%. Submit 8'' X 10'' graphics (maximum of three per project) and a typewritten description (maximum of one page per project) of not more than three designs completed in the last ten years attributed to the key designer. Narratives shall include a discussion of design challenges and resolutions. Phase II: Following Phase I selection, the successful offerors will develop the complete project team and submit Standard Forms 254 and 255 which reflect the entire project team. The Government will select the best qualified A/E team. It is not necessary to resubmit information submitted in Phase I. The Government will establish the criteria and date these submittals are due and provide the selection criteria for the interviews and final selection process, with the Phase I short list announcement. In developing the project team, those offerors selected for Phase II interviews are advised they must demonstrate the capability to perform at least 70% of the Design Development and Contract Development services within the State of Alaska. Interested parties may request additional information on this project by contacting this office in writing: General Services Administration, A/E Services Division (10PC), 400 15th Street South West, Auburn, WA 98001-6599, FAX # (206) 931-7395. Interested firms having the qualifications to meet these requirements are invited to submit Standard Forms 254 and 255 along with a letter of intent by 10/22/96. There have been several changes to the verbage of the previous CBD announcement. Please review carefully. (0275)

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