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U.S. Postal Service, Facilities Service Office, Attn: Robert Manka, Project Coordinator, 2 Hudson Place, 5th Floor, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5502

R -- IQC FOR A/E SERVICES, DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION FOR THE COMMONWEALTH OF PUERTO RICO Sol 332495-96-A-0116. Due 101896. Contact Robert Manka, Project Coordinator, 201/714-5443. This contract is for one or multiple awards for Architect/Engineer Services for the Caribbean District Office Area of Responsibility-Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The contract for Architect/Engineer Services has a guaranteed $5,000.00 minimum contract value clause for the base period of twelve (12) months with a annual contract limit amount not exceed $500,000.00, with individual work orders being issued. Each work order will be negotiated as an individual project. Work orders will normally range under $5,000.00 for any one project, but cannot exceed a maximum work order limit of $250,000.00. The contract may be renewed for four (4) one-year renewal option periods providing the total contract amount does not exceed $2,500,000.00. Firms that have the qualifications to perform the services described previously are invited to submit a completed SF-255, Architect/Engineer and related services questionnaire for a specific project, and a completed SF-254 for each of its proposed consultants to the office shown above, postmarked not later than October 18, 1996. The selection will be conducted by using the submitted SF-255 and the SF-254s. Interested firms with more than one office must indicate on their SF-255 the staffing composition of the office in which the work will be performed. Consideration will be given to firms responding to this advertisement in accordance with the instruction in the following order of preference; 1) within 25 miles of San Juan, PR; 2) Island of Puerto Rico; 3) All other firms. Architectural/Engineering Firms will be considered as local only if their sole office is in the local geographical area or they have a local branch office and all the architectural design, coordination, and management of the project will be performed in that office. The Architect and Engineering firms must have a minimum of five years experience as a registered architectural firm and the consultants must be in the preferred areas. The minimum acceptable architect and engineering compliment for the prime firm, or office, and it's consultants is; 2 Architects in the prime firm, and for the consultants is 1 Civil Engineer, 1 Electrical Engineer, 1 Environmental Engineer, 1 Mechanical Engineer, and 1 Structural Engineer. The contract contains a requirement for firms to provide evidence of current insurance of $200,000.00 of errors and omissions per claim. It is prohibited to pay any fee, commission, percentage, or brokerage fee to any person or firm contingent upon or resulting from award of a contract for this project. No other general notification for this project will be made. Submissions will not be retained or returned. This is not a request for proposals. (274)

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