Loren Data Corp.




37th CONS/LGCV, Lackland AFB TX 78236-5253 Attn:LGCV/SSGT GARY WELLMAN

J -- LEASE OF DIGGER DERRICK SOL F41636 97Q0010 DUE 100796 POC SSGT GARY WELLMAN tel: 210/671-1740/SRA JULIA NEWTON Lackland AFB has a requirement to lease, for a 12 month period beginning 1Nov96 and ending 31Oct96, one (1) Commander 4200 Digger Derrick. Manufactured by Telelect or EQUAL. This requirement is being processed under Simplified Acquisition Procedures (SAP). In accordance with SAP, this procurement is reserved for small business concerns. The basis for award will be compliance with technical requirements and price. All quotes must include the following information: per month lease rate, payment terms and the make and model number of the equipment being offered. If an equal item is being offered, specifications in sufficient detail to allow for accurate technical review must be provided. Quotations will be accepted by fax at (210) 671-3468 or orally to (210) 671-1740 to the point of contact listed above. (0281)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0029 19961008\J-0005.SOL)

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