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Naval Air Warfare Center AD, Contracts Dept. Code 233, Bldg 129-2, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-5083.

17 -- UHF ELECTRONICALLY SCANNED ARRAY (UESA) PROJECT SOL N68335-97-BAA-701 DUE 103196 POC Chuck Adler Contract Specialist Code 2132CA, (908) 323-2132. Contracting Officer D. McClure. The UHF Electronically Scanned Array (UESA) project is a 6.2 exploratory development effort sponsored by the Office of Naval Research. The objective of the project is to perform a rotodome form factor electronically scanned array (ESA) feasibility analysis, and produce a hardware design appropriate for a proof-of-concept critical hardware demonstration. The motivation arises from the interest that the Navy's Airborne Early Warning (AEW) radar community has maintained in the use of an ESA antenna architecture for the next generation AEW system concepts. The severe physical constraints imposed by carrier-based platforms limit the achievable power aperture product, and projected needs in the 2010 time frame and beyond lead to radar designs that must timeshare the functions of the search, track, and cue with rapid beams switching and 360 degrees of azimuth coverage. This BAA is to solicit technical/cost proposals for a hardware demonstration of a light weight antenna system approach that consists of an electronically scanned surveillance array and an integrated electronically scanned IFF array in a co-located or multi-functional configuration without performance degradation. New, innovative and creative approaches to the technical problems presented herein that significantly advance system performance are sought. Examples of the technologies include, but are not limited to novel antenna approaches that support array antenna concepts, and associated array subassembly/device technologies as necessary to prove the antenna concept. The physical characteristics of the existing E-2C rotodome are the baseline. The existing rotodome dimensions are 24 ft. in diameter by 2.5 feet in height at the center of the dome. The rotodome houses the TRAC-A antenna (10 endfire elements spaced one wavelength) that is mechanically scanned (rotated) to provide 360 coverage in 10 seconds (6RPM). The antenna provides a 6.9 degree azimuth beamwidth and a 23 degree elevation beamwidth. If the proposed UESA concept requires a rotodome form factor growth to maintain comparable antenna gain performance, then the growth increase should be stated as a function of antenna gain performance. The basic UESA antenna performance goals are demonstrated performance of the TRAC-A antenna. In addition to the UESA antenna, a comparable interrogator IFF antenna concept and design must be proposed for co-location within the rotodome physical constraints. The UESA and IFF antenna should have a common phase center in the plane perpendicular to the line of site for antenna beam center co-location. RF and beam control cabling and interconnection considerations must adhere to the available weight and space in the rotodome and pylon. The UESA and integrated IFF concept and design should serve as a basis in the proof-of-concept hardware demonstration. Critical technology necessary to realize the integrated UESA/IFF concept should be incorporated into the hardware demonstration. If possible to incorporate without sacrificing primary antenna performance objectives, additional bandwidth and elevation diversity are also desired. The proposed hardware demonstration must be sufficient to prove 400-450 MHz operation, 360 degree electron scan capability, integrated IFF capability, and fit within the general rotodome weight and form factor constraints currently imposed on the TRAC-A antenna configuration. The level of effort is estimated to be 6-8 man-years over a 18-24 month time frame. The hardware demonstration project described herein will be authorized by the Government to commence based on performance and funding availability. Proposals submitted may be evaluated as they are received or they may be collected and reviewed periodically by in-house scientists, a Government team or by a group of scientific peers. Award decisions will be based on competitive evaluation using the following criteria: 1) potential contributions to DOD priorities in AEW radar related technologies; 2) overall scientific and technical merit of the proposal; 3) the offeror's capabilities, related experience, and facilities; and 4) realism of the proposed cost. NAWCADPAX has technical cognizance and responsibility for the project management. All proposals submitted in response to the BAA will be evaluated by a team of technical experts representing the Office of Naval Research, the Naval Research Laboratory and NAWCADPAX. This announcement will be open for 15 days and proposals will be accepted anytime during this period. Response are required to be submitted in accordance with the guidelines set forth herein. The selection of one or more sources for contract award will be based on a scientific and engineering evaluation of responses (technical and cost as it relates to the technical effort, to determine the merit of the technical approach). Proposals submitted should consist of a clear statement of the objectives, a technical section which includes as a minimum, the expected contribution of the hardware demonstration to the AEW radar mission, analysis that supports feasability, background experience, concepts, ideas, methodology, statement of work and milestones. A biographical section, describing key individuals, and a cost section must be included in the proposal. Details of any cost sharing to be undertaken by the offeror should also be included in the proposal. The proposal should be limited to 50 pages and offerors are requested to submit a total of 11 copies. The cost of the preparation or the response to this BAA is not considered an allowable direct charge to the resulting contract or any other contract. However, it may be an allowable expense to the offeror's normal bid and proposal indirect expenses. The expected award date is not later than January 1997. The contract performance period will be either 18 or 24 months and proposals should contain separate schedules for each duration. A cost-plus-fixed fee (CPFF) type contract is anticipated. Government furnished equipment (GFE) is not anticipated. The list of deliverables include two month progress reports, a final report, and critical hardware demonstration no later than two months before competition of the contract. The Government will have unlimited rights to all technical data resulting from this BAA. The point of contact for technical issues is Mr. Richard Egan (301) 342-0051, and the point of contact for contractual matters is Mr. Chuck Adler at (908) 323-5198. Offerors at any time may contact these individuals for clarification of technical/contractual issues and cost response format. Offerors are cautioned that only Contracting Officers are legally authorized to commit the Government. Exterior markings on responses shall be as follows: Naval Air Warfare Center (Code 213CA); Contracts Department, Building 129-2; Lakehurst, NJ 08733-5082; ATTN: Chuck Adler. No formal RFP will be issued, this BAA is the solicitation. (0290)

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