Loren Data Corp.




NOAA/NESDIS, IPO, 8455 Colesville Road, Suite 14500, Silver Spring, MD

59 -- FAIRBANKS POLAR TT&C ANTENNA SYSTEM SOL 52-SPNA-7-00003 DUE 111596 POC Jay W. Moore, Contracting Officer, 301-427-2126, ext. 112 This is a solicitation for information or planning purposes, in accordance with the FAR Clause52.215-3. All interested and responsible offerors which are capable of meeting the delivery andschedule requirements for the commercial items described hereunder are encouraged to submitfirm technical and priced proposals in response to this solicitation. These offers will enable theGovernment to select the most qualified offeror for a potential subsequent award whose proposalrepresents the best overall value to the Government, price and other factors considered. Asubsequent notice of the existence of a bona fide requirement will appear in this CBD prior tomaking the final selection. The offeror's proposal for this advertisement may be modified as abest and final offer in response to the subsequent notice in the CBD, if notice of a bona fide needappears. This solicitation is being conducted in accordance with Public Law 103-355, and theinformation below is expressed as a statement of need for a commercial item and its associatedcommercial services, as outlined in FAR 12.202. The specifications describing the requiredcommercial items are set forth through the process described in FAR subpart 11.2. TheGovernment further intends to use streamlined procedures, if an award decision is made, IAWFAR 12.603, through an SF 1449. AVAILABILITY OF SPECIFICATIONS, PLANS,DRAWINGS, AND OTHER TECHNICAL DATA. It is impractical to distribute the applicableperformance specifications with the solicitation. These documents may be examined at theoriginating office, by notifying the POC, or obtained by sending an electronic mail request usingthe appropriate internet protocol to the following address: jmoore@ipo.noaa.gov with a referenceto ''Fairbanks POLAR Satellite Tracking, Telemetry and Control Antenna''. The Government'sspecifications will be attached to the e-mail response to the requester. In order to be valid, therequest shall be accompanied by full contact information: e-mail address, postage address,telephone number, company represented, and name of requester. This notice lists many salientperformance characteristics of the requirement which will enable offerors to submit anunqualified bid; however, offerors are strongly recommended to request a copy of theperformance specification package, which describes characteristics of the siting environment andprovides the pricing Schedule. Potential offerors are advised that any variances orinconsistencies between this advertisement and the specification package shall be reconciled infavor of the content set forth in the specification package. This specification concerns apotential initial requirement for: an L-/S-band (with potential future upgrade of an X-band),dual-feed antenna TT&C and data reception system for the NOAA Fairbanks, Alaska Commandand Data Acquisition (FCDA) Station, REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION in CY 1997. TheGovernment shall furnish to the antenna system commercial vendor: suitable antenna pad; siteand facility power; facility heating, cooling, water, and floor space; paved road and access toantenna site. Antenna subsystem characteristics: polarization (transmit): selectableRHCP/LHCP. Polarization (receive): simultaneous RHCP/LHCP/linear over 360 degrees. Tracking modes: manual, autotrack, program track, and scan. Other Tracking capabilities: spacevehicles tracked from 0-360 degrees in azimuth; 0-90 degrees in elevation; and from 600-6000kilometers. Suggested keyhole elimination by use of proven wedge on tilted axis arrangement orother proven techniques. Tracking parameters: acquire and track in azimuth and elevation. RFcoverage will support current DMSP, and future DMSP and NOAA polar satellites, operatingL/S-band uplink 1.75-1.85 GHz and 2.0-2.2 GHz, SGLS and GSTDN (USB); and downlink1.67-1.71GHz and 2.2-2.4GHz, SGLS and GSTDN, and X-band 7-9 GHz. Reflector tolerance toaccommodate up to 9 GHz, with loss NOT ) 0.5 dB due to roughness. The vendor shall ensureenvironmental protection for round-the-clock, year-round operations of antenna & subsystems,and address availability and pricing for installation of radome. Command formats: SGLS andGSTDN with ternary rates to 10Kbps (min.). Base band in FSK/AM signal format. Telemetryreception: five S-band streams. X-band demodulation may require other formats for futureoperations and use of COTS software configurable demodulators is desirable. Control: manual,local automated, and remote automated. High-density cassette, multiple-loader, data recording:7-channel, 5 digital and 2 analog, expandable by 100%; instant-on separate tape channels; rates:20Mbps (max.), 3 Mbps (typical). Describe interface of signal to station, and routing. Discussoperations and maint., redundant equipment. Require: systems design pkge., ASRR, ASDR,IRR, 1-3 TIMs; Install. Plan; Test Plan; Maintenance Plan, including O&M MaintenanceDocumentation; Equipment List; Spares List; List of Test Equipment; Long-lead-item list;Warranty Terms; 3 References for similar acquisition. Product conformance, schedulecompliance, reliability, maintainability, and price for all items constitute selection criteria. TheGOVT reserves the right to inspect these commercial items at the offerors' facilities, or at anoperational site. Existing product literature may not be sufficient to determine the acceptabilityof the commercial items. Therefore, the Government requires unique technical proposals. It isthe Government's intent to utilize the offeror's customary commercial practices to the extent thatthese terms conform with the Government's unique requirements and standard terms andconditions. In the event of award, a fixed-price, IDIQ contract will be awarded, based primarilyon the offeror's capability to comply with the performance requirements and unique technicalmission parameters set forth in the specifications, for a reasonable and realistic price/unit. Pricing will be evaluated for 1-4 units. If needed, reimbursable other direct costs will beincluded for indefinite quantities of travel and materials/supplies. ALL INTERESTED ANDQUALIFIED VENDORS WILL BE CONSIDERED. (0295)

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