Loren Data Corp.




U.S. Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command, Acquisition Center (AMSTA-AQ-DS), Warren, MI 48397-5000

J -- VEHICLE MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REB SOL DAAE0796RX142 DUE 122796 POC POC: Toni spalding (810) 574-7187 The proposed acquisition will begin in Bolivia in janua Ry, 1997 and continue to January, 1998 for service, MAI ntenance and rebuild of wheeled vehicles as listed belo W, and supply and stock of a military operations depot for the bolivian army in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. the contr act will contain an option provision to extend the Peri OD of performance annually for up to three (3) years, P otentially extending this effort to January, 2001. vehi cles to be maintained are: 1/2 ton pick-up, 1-1/4 ton C ARGO, 5 ton dump, 5 ton tractor, and 2-1/2 ton fuel tru CKS, 12 ton, 40 ton, and fuel semi-trailers, and 6,000 lb forklifts; approximately 120 vehicles total. the con tractor will be required to provide all personnel, skil led, semi-skilled and unskilled. the personnel shall be required to perform tasks and provide services as indic ated in the scope of work (SOW), section C, of the soli Citation documents, and any/all amendments/modification S issued thereto. manpower resources to assist the cont ractor in the accomplishment of maintenance and repair tasks, and repair parts supply operations will be provi DED by the government of Bolivia. bolivian personnel WI LL have basic knowledge of vehicle maintenance and supp Ly operations. the contractor shall provide a technical assistance field team (Taft) who shall have knowledge O F all functions to be performed. they must be familiar with manual and automated demand consumption driven Rep air parts stock control operations, shall be required T O administer and maintain same at a minimum of 98% accu racy. further, continuous ON-THE-JOB training of bolivi an vehicle operators and maintenance personnel is requi red. the contractor will be required to furnish some AD ditional shop equipment and tools required for the perf ormance of this contract which will be reimbursed by th is contractor and will become the property of the boliv Ian goverment after contract completion. technical Manu ALS not already furnished on site may be obtained from the standardization documents order desk in phildelphia, PA or the government print office. the contractor AGR ees to be in compliance with current United States and bolivian government safety regulations at all times dur ing performance of this contract. the contractor will B E required to service vehicles at the depot of operatio NS and/or in the field requiring travel between Santa C ruz, LA paz, and trinidad, Bolivia and potentially othe R safe locations in the country. contractor personnel M ust be United States citizens. contractor personnel ass igned to the in-country Taft shall be completely fluent in Spanish and English. they must be capable of speakin G, Reading, and writing Spanish and English, to include complete familiarization with technical terminology rel ated to vehicle maintenance and supply operations. the work week shall consist of 48 hours. all bolivian holid AYS will be observed. further details of this requireme Nt are found in the solicitation at section C. award WI LL be made to a single offeror on a fixed-price type of contract. award will be made to the low responsible off eror whos proposal is determined technically acceptable, with past performance as a primary selection factor. An on-site visit, limited to two (2) people per offeror, to Bolivia by potential offerors is required for all bidders. offerors are urged and expected to inspect the site where the services are to be performed and to sati sfy themselves regarding all general and local conditio NS that may affect the cost of contract performance. in no event shall failure to inspect the sites constitute grounds for a claim after contract award. arrangements for the site visit will be included in the request for.(0313)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0034 19961112\J-0001.SOL)

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