COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF NOVEMBER 13,1996 PSA#1720US Army Corps of Engineers, LRD (CESWL-CT), PO Box 867, Little Rock, AR
ARKANSAS SOL DACA03-97-B-0009 DUE 011497 POC Darrel Johnson, Contract
Specialist, (501) 324-5721 FOR PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: Theresa M.
Morris, (501)324-6844. COMPETITIVE 8(a) SET-ASIDE: This proposed
procurement, SBA Construction Requirement 0669-97-700427, is being
restricted to 8(a) firms under the Standard Industrial Classification
(SIC) 1623, serviced by the Little Rock District SBA office. The work
consists of the construction of a new sanitary sewer outfall line for
the Little Rock Air Force Base. The work includes construction of
approximately 3230 meters of new 600mm sanitary sewer line, of which
approximately 1710 meters will be constructed along the alignment of
the existing sanitary sewer and approximately 1520 meters will be
constructed along a new alighment; demolition of 36 existing manholes
and the construction of 36 new sanitary sewer manholes; plugging and
abandoning in place approximately 1520 meters of existing 375mm and
450mm sanitary sewer line; removing and reinstalling a flow meter; and
construction of approximately 2260 meters of 3.05 meter gravel road.
Estimated magnitude of work is between $1,000,000.00 and $5,000,000.00.
Issue date for solicitation will be on or about December 12, 1996 at a
cost of $53.50 for solicitation and half-size drawings; $64.75 for
solicitation and full-size drawings; $32.50 for solicitation only
(charges are non-refundable). Solicitation documents will be made
available upon written request to include check or money order payable
to FAO, U. S. Army, LRD, and mailed to Contracting Division at the
above address. In order to receive documents in a timely manner,
requests should be received by December 3, 1996. Bid opening date will
be on or about January 14, 1997 at 2:00 p. m. (0313) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0083 19961112\Y-0003.SOL)
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