COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF NOVEMBER 18,1996 PSA#1723Foreign Service Institute, Department of State, 4000 Arlington
Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22204 U -- MICRONESIAN DIPLOMATIC TRAINING PROGRAM DUE 112996 POC Contact P.
Patten, 703-302-6770, Contracting Officer The U.S. Department of State,
Foreign Service Institute (FSI), School of Professional Studies (SPS),
the Micronesian Diplomatic Training Program (MDTP) seeks an individual
to manage the MDTP for Fiscal Year 1997 (On or about Dec. 2, 1996
throughSeptember 30, 1997). Background: The MDTP is an ongoing
diplomatic training program mandates by the implementing legislation
between the Compacts of Free Association with the Reputlic of the
Marshall Islands (RMI), the Federated States of Micronesia(FSM), and
the Republic of Palau. Under the legislation, the MDTP is administered
by the FSI of the Dept. of State and funded by the Department of
Interior. MDTP training for the RMI and the FSM began in 1988 and has
continued on an annual basis sincethat time. Training for Palau began
in December of 1994, shortly after the implementation of the Compact
with that Pacific nation. Training is expected to continue at least
through 2001, the year that the Compacts with the RMI and the FSM are
due toterminate. The MDTP is administered out of FSI/SPS. The SPS
Associate Dean supervises the MDTP Director. Contractor
Responsibilities: The Director of MDTP shall have the following
responsibilities: 1) Direct the day-to-day operation of the
MDTPincluding responding to all inquiries, correspondence, etc.; 2)
Oversee the development of the curiculum for the training agenda; 3)
Design specialized training modules for MDTP courses; 4) Conduct
liaison with the three nations eligible for MDTPtraining; the FSM, RMI
and Palau; 5) Conduct personally the training in the basic diplomatic
tradecraft subjects; 6) Prepare all necessary documentation to let
contracts for MDTP activities; serve as liaison for these activities;
7) Maintain thefinancial records of the MDTP including the preparation
of financial reports and plans and reimbursement reqeusts required by
the Department of Interior; 8) Conduct liaison with the International
and Territorial Affairs in the Dept of Interior, theoffice responsible
for the MDTP in that Government agency; 9) Coordinate and prepare all
travel documentation (Travel Authorization Requests, Travel Advance
Requests, etc.) for all MDTP training activities; 10) Prepare all
necessary reports concerningMDTP activities, including an annual report
on the progress of the activity; 11) Maintain liaison with appropriate
offices in the Dept. of State (EAP/PIA) and US Embassies in Majuro,
RMI, Kolonia, FSM, and Koror, Palau. Criteria for Selection:
(1)Knowledge of the Pacific, the cultures of the areas, and the
countries eligible for MDTP training (FSM, RMI, Palau) - 30 percent;
(2) Experience in design and delivery of diplomatic training, including
experiential teaching methodology - 30 percent;(3) Demonstrated
experience in all aspects of Diplomatic Practice - 20 percent; (4)
Price - 20 percent. This is a simplified acquisition for a base year
plus possibly one option year and is a small business set-aside. All
interested small businesssources responding to this RFQ must do so no
later than Nov. 29, 1996, at 2:00 p.m., quoting an hourly rate and
addressing all the evaluation criteria listed above. POC: P. Patten
(Phone: 703-302-6770 or Fax: 703-302-7227).(0319) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0109 19961115\U-0001.SOL)
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