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National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases, Contract Management Branch, Solar Building, Room 3C07, 6003 Executive Blvd. MSC 7610, Rockville, MD 20892-7610

A -- AIDS RESEARCH & REFERENCE REAGENT PROGRAM POC Bruce Anderson, Contracting Officer, 301-496-8371, ba9i@nih.gov The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is seeking SMALL BUSINESS firms (under Standard Industrial Code 8731) with the capability to operate and maintain the AIDS Research and Reference Reagent Program (AIDS Reagent Program). In 1992, re-competition of the current five year contract was not considered for the small business/8A set- aside program because capability statements from small businesses failed to demonstrate their ability to meet the Government s requirements. Award was made to a large business firm. The AIDS Reagent Program is a versatile resource to the international AIDS research community. The AIDS Reagent Program acquires state-of-the-art HIV/AIDS-related reagents, produces reagents and standardized panels and protocols, and then provides these reagents to qualified investigators throughout the world. The AIDS Reagent Program also collects information about HIV/AIDS-related reagents and standards and disseminates this information through print, World Wide Web, and wet workshops. Additionally, the AIDS Reagent Program enhances technology transfer through development and publication of methods, facilitates commercial development of reagents through proactive communication with biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, and participates as an AIDS Collaborating Center of the World Health Organization. During the past four (4) years, the AIDS Reagent Program has provided over 30,000 reagents to investigators in 33 countries. Currently, the AIDS Reagent Program has approximately 127,000 samples of reagents stored at 24 degrees C, at 2 to 8 degrees C, at -10 to -20 degrees C, at -70 to -90 degrees C, and at liquid nitrogen conditions. It is anticipated that the number of reagent samples will increase approximately 15% annually, and that 700 reagents will be shipped monthly, involving approximately 170 shipments, of which 15% may be to overseas locations in industrialized and developing countries. Approximately 25 incoming shipments of reagents per month will be received. Successful operation, management and coordination of the activities of the AIDS Reagent Program requires: (1) knowledge, experience and demonstrated competence in: (a) identification, prioritization, and acquisition of reagents from domestic and international sources; and (b) reagent production, quality control, and storage; (2) knowledge, experience and competence in packaging/shipping biohazardous and etiologic agents to countries in North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia; and experience in procuring the appropriate import/export licenses and permits; (3) staff with scientific and managerial experience to coordinate effectively and efficiently the operation of the AIDS Reagent Program through interaction with the AIDS research community including biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies worldwide, technology transfer officials, and the Division of AIDS, NIAID; (4) ability to work with the incumbent Contractor to safely and efficiently transfer operation of the current AIDS Reagent Program to a new location; (5) information technology experience in maintaining and updating information on: (a) World Wide Web including a catalog of reagents and newsletter; and (b) a database system to track all information that relates to the activities of the AIDS Reagent Program, including an inventory of reagents, shipment and receiving of reagents, and assay information; (6) personnel with documented experience in operating an organization of comparable size and complexity to the AIDS Reagent Program; the proposed P.I. should have equivalent of a Ph.D. and postdoctoral research experience in biological sciences in order to identify AIDS reagents and to provide expert technical assistance to the DAIDS, NIAID; (7) staff with writing and editorial experience to prepare a catalogue, newsletter and promotional literature; and (8) availability of adequate facilities, equipment and resources necessary to operate, maintain and expand the AIDS Reagent Program; facilities to receive and store hazardous and infectious agents, and maintain their activity and viability (must have P2 facility and current radioactive materials license); compliance with all standards of safety, guidelines and regulations, including training and monitoring of personnel for exposure to infectious and hazardous reagents. Note: Some Government-owned equipment will be available for transfer under the current contract (several low temperature freezers and computer software). Site visits may be required to determine the adequacy of the facilities and resources.. While subcontracting is permitted, reagent acquisition, storage, distribution and management of the AIDS Reagent Program must be performed by the Prime contractor. The Government must have direct oversight of this contract in order to ensure quality control and safe handling and distribution of the reagents, many of which are biohazardous and infectious (including HIV). The Prime contractor is responsible for all work performed. Under the current contract, reagent production, assays and evaluation of reagents are subcontracted out. The current AIDS Reagent Program is operated by the incumbent contractor, McKesson BioServices (formerly, Ogden BioServices), located in Rockville, Maryland. The number of reagents is expected to reach approximately 385,000 during the life of the new contract. The offeror must have storage space for approximately 500 cubic feet at low temperatures as well as the capacity for retrieving, aliquoting and shipping approximately 700 reagents per month. The contract period is expected to be seven (7) years, beginning approximately January 20, 1998, and a cost-reimbursement contract, with fixed-fee, is expected to be awarded. Sources who believe that they have the capability necessary to undertake this project should submit complete documentation to support this capability. If it is expected that parts of the requirement will be subcontracted, you must discuss how this will be accomplished. At this time, responses are sought only from SMALL BUSINESSES (under 500 employees - SIC Code 8731). Five (5) copies of this documentation must be submitted to Mr. Bruce E. Anderson, Contracting Officer, no later than fourteen (14) days after the publication of this announcement in the Commerce Business Daily. The documentation submitted must be complete to allow evaluation without further discussions. We are not requesting proposals at this time, and responses should not include budgetary information. No collect calls will be accepted.(0325)

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