Loren Data Corp.




Defense Supply Service-Washington, Darlene Ferrare, 5200 Army Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20310

Q -- DRUG SCREENING SERVICE SOL DASW01-97-R-0034 DUE 011597 POC Darlene Ferrare, (703) 695-2464 The Defense Supply Service-Washington has a requirement for a contractor to provide drug testing services to the U.S. Army. The contractor must be laboratory certified by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) or Department of Defense (DOD) to perform drug testing for Federal agencies. The contractor shall provide all labor, facilities, equipment, and materials to perform initial immunoassays for the detection of marijuana, cocaine, opiate, phencyclidine, barbitutes, LSD, and amphetamines on all urine specimens submitted. The contractor shall also provide all labor, facilities, equipment, and materials to perform GC/MS confirmation tests on all specimens that screen positive by the immunoassays initial test. The monthly specimen volume average is fourteen thousand. The performance period will be for a base year with four option years. This project is open to both large and small businesses. It is the Government's intent to submit a proposal on this requirement in accordance with Far 52.207-2. Written requests only, telephonic requests will not be honored. Fax number is (703) 697- 1272/3221. (0331)

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