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GSA, PBS, Property Development (4PC),Suite 2500,401 West Peachtree St. NW,At lanta,GA 30365-2550

C -- CONSTRUCTION MANAGER-AS-CONSTRUCTOR(CMC) SOL GS-04P-97-EXC-0004 DUE 010997 POC Contact,Phillip King,404/331-4620,Contracting Officer,Freeman Randolph,404/ 331-4269 CONSTRUCTION-MANAGER-AS-CONSTRUCTOR, SERVICES CONTRACT for the proposed US Courthouse - Greenville, TN. OVERVIEW: The scope of CM as Constructor (CMc) services under this contract includes Pre-Construction Phase Services and Construction Phase Services. Pre-Construction Phase includes: consultation during project design, development of construction schedule phasing re- quirements; cost estimating and establishment of a negotiated Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP). CONSTRUCTION PHASE includes administration of the construction contract; coordination of regular construction and tenant meetings; developing/monitoring CPM activities; providing daily logs and monthly reports; monitoring construction costs; and other supplemental services as requested by the Government. CMc will be competitively chosen using Source Selection Procedures. Price and technical factors will be given equal weight. PROJECT SUMMARY: A new Courts facility will be con- structed in the Greenville, TN downtown area (site to be announced). The proposed facility will contain 107,000 occupiable square feet(SF) including 14,000 sf inside parking. The new facility will include 4 courtrooms plus chambers to be occupied by US District Courts, Magistrate Court, Probation, Pretrial Services, Bankruptcy, US District Attorney, Trustee, and Marshals' Service. New structure will provide: grand jury suites and assembly areas; hearing rooms; conference/training rooms: office space for District Court Clerk, Bankruptcy Court Clerk and Marshals Service, to include sally-port and detention cells; plus general office areas. The Estimated Construction Cost at Award (ECCA) for base-bid work is $22,500,000.00. At time of award CMc shall guarantee a maximum price to perform the consturction described in the design documents. DEFINITION OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AS CONSTRUCTOR: A CMc is a firm under contract, to building owner (GSA), to provide design review, cost estimating, scheduling and general construction services. CMc whall be a member of overall project team including GSA as owner/developer, GSA's selected design A/E firm and term Construction Management firm (CM), if used. The CMc may provide general construction with it's own forces, or contract for part of the construction with other firms. Project development shall occur in conformance with AIA Document A121/CMc. SUMMARY OF CMc RE- SPONSIBILIES: CMc shall review project designs determining constructability and compliance with project budget. CMc reviews construction cost estimates and provides and independent cost estimate at design development stage (DD) mid-point construction-document stage (MP) and final construction-document stage (CD), recommending adjustments to designs to assure that the project can be constructed at or below budget. CMc shall provide ''best value'' advice, control schedule, offer alternative ideas including problem solving claim prevention and budgeting. CMc must have full understanding of Federal construction contracting and contract administration. The CMc shall have complete responsibility for constructing the facility to the quality of the design requirements and within budget. PROJECT SERVICES: The CMc Contract requirements will include the following: CPM scheduling and analyses; Participation in all DD production phase team meetings; Review all A/E major design submittals and A/E cost estimates; Independent pricing at the stages indicated above; Project scope management; Competitive selection and procurement of necessary sub-contractor; Provision of general project construction for the entire facility; Participation in acquisition of Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR) and selection of partnering consultant; Maintenance of construction records; and commissioning/inspection/close-out services. PROJECT STAFFING: The CMc will provide a team that consists of architectural, civil, structural, mechanical and electrical engineers; cost estimators; CPM analysts; field engineers and support staff; construction supervisors and superintendents; plus other disciplines to be used on an as needed basis. SOURCE SELECTION EVALUATION CRITERIA: The following factors, along with the statement of price indicated below, will be used by GSA's Source Selection Evaluation Board (SSEB) in the PHASE I process to select a competitive range of firms for further evaluation in PHASE II. More detail in subcategories, will also be utilized in the PHASE II process later. QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE OF KEY PERSONNEL (350 Points, total): a. Summarize the qualifications, experience, education, background info., specific assignments, and other significant info. for key members of the proposed CMc team - (150 pts). b. For key personnel, identify the proposed duties, part/full-time, and the firm for which (s)he works. Indicate the geographic location where key personnel are located at the time of response to this announcemant. Provide two or more professional/technical references from knowledgeable personnel of their qualifications/experience -(150 pts). c. Summarize CMc firm's experience with construction projects in vicinity of Eastern Tennessee. Include knowledge and experience with local construction markets and general labor markets, sub-contractors, and their experience with local Government-(50 pts). FIRMS EXPERIENCE AND PERFORMANCE PROVIDING COMPARABLE PRE-CONSTRUCTION-PHASE SERVICES FOR SIMILAR PROJECTS IN THE PAST FIVE YEARS (150 points). List three projects of $15,000,000.00, or larger, in which the firm successfully provided pre-construction-phase services. Describe those services, as relating to this project in scope and complexity. Provide names, addresses and phone number of client(s) for listed project - (150 pts). FIRM'S EXPERIENCE IN PROVIDING COMPARABLE CONSTRUCTION-PHASE SERVICES FOR SIMILAR PROJECTS IN THE PAST FIVE YEARS (350 points): a. List three projects of $15,000,000.00, or larger, in construction costs, in which the firm successfully provided construction phase services similar to those required under this project. Describe your record of delivering complete projects w/i fixed schedules and a guaranteed maximum price. Relate services in type and scope to this project. Indicate which member(s) of proposed project team worked in previous project/roles similar to those proposed for this project. Provide names, addresses and phone number(s) of the client(s) for each listed project - (100 pts). b. Demonstrate the proposed team's experience and abilities in working in a non-adversarial relationship with building owner/developer in development of the above listed projects -(50 pts). c. Demonstrate the proposed team's experience in value engineering, design oversight and independent cost estimating relative to maintaining project budgets-(50 pts). d. Demonstrate the proposed team's abilities to maintain project quality and scheduling while controlling costs - (100 pts). e. Describe firm's use of ADR or arbitration to avoid litigation. Provide comprehensive list of construction claims in which your firm, owners and developer(s) have been a party to in the last 10 years, providing a synopsis of the outcome. Identify claims resolved by ADR, and those by arbitration - (50 pts). CMc'S RESOURCES, FACILITIES AND TECHNOLOGY (100 points). Describe resources and facilities available to CMc, including office automation capabilities/Management Info. Systems (MIS) and ability to review drawins in Auto-Cad Rel. 12, or later. Describe firm's ability to interface with Microsoft Excel V.5.0 and Word V.6.0, including your ability to send/receive data electronically via desk- top conferencing and ''white-board'' technologies - (100 pts). SB/SDB/WO SUB-CONTRACTING PLAN (50 Points): In PHASE I, CMc must acknowledge intent to submit sub-contracting plans in PHASE II, where offeror will include participation by SB, SDB firms (20 pts each) and Women-Owned (WO) business firms (10 pts). SOURCE SELECTION PROCEDURES: Qualified firms expressing an interest in this project will be provided one copy of the RFP, including PHASE I evaluation forms that the SSEB will use (includes Concept-Design Documents and Narratives). Firms wishing to offer, must provide a PHASE I submission, wherein detailed cost proposals are not required, but Offerors must provide a price statement certifying that they can construct planned facility described in the RFP at a cost not greater than the ECCA. Firms in the competitive renge will be interviewed at their principal place of business. Final selection of CMc will be under PHASE II Source Selection procedures wherein firms selected for detailed interview will be asked to provide additional technical info., along with detailed cost proposals. PHASE II cost proposals shall include the Offeror's fee (subdivided into Pre-Con and Cosnstruction Phase services required under the RFP (including profit, GC and other overhead costs)). Technical factors and pricing will be given equal weight. CONTRACT AWARD: A contract will be awarded to the selected firm to provide Pre-construction Phase services with an Option to provide Construction-Phase services. When the DD Phase is complete, the Government's intent is to modify the contract to obtain CD services and all project construction at a mutually-agreed GMP. Government goal is to award a contract at a GMP that does not exceed the projected ECCA. The contract for PreCon sevices will allow the Governmnet to terminate the contract if a GMP is not established that is equal to, or less than, the ECCA, (or if construction funding is not available). Upon conclusion of the project, if the construction costs are less than the GMP, the difference between final project construction cost and GMP will be divided between the CMc and the Government. SB - SDB PARTICIPATION: This procurement is open to both large and small business firms. GSA encourages smaller firm's participation in the project. In PHASE II of the selection process, short-listed firms shall provide a brief written narrative of their outreach efforts to utilize SB, SDB and WO Business firms. All Offerors will be required to include a sub- contracting plan that provides for participation by small firms in the following percentages: SB (20%), SDB (5%), and WO Businesses (5%). HOW TO OFFER: Interested firms should submit a letter of interest (Company Letter- head) to the Phil King (listed below) not later than 3:00 p.m. on 12/18/96. A copy of the RFP will be provided and requires submission of three copies of a PHASE I proposal on 8 1/2'' X 11'' spiral bound format. Forms SF254 and SF255 are encouraged (must not be more than one year old). Photographs may be incorporated in Sections 8 and 10 of the SF255 if desired. IF SF 254 and SF 255 are not used, submissions must include info. responsive to the data requested on SF254/255's. Total PHASE I submissions should not exceed 100 single/50 double-sided pages. During the PHASE II evaluations, GSA may request additional info. Firms that respond to this CBD notice with offers without first reviewing the RFP will not be evaluated. A pre-submission conference will be held on January 9, 1997 in the Summit Federal Building, Atlanta, GA to discuss PHASE I submission requirements. PHASE I submittals must be recieved (address below) not later than 3:00 p.m. January 24, 1997. Upon completion of PHASE I evaluations, a list of the firms selected for PHASE II evaluations will be published in the CBD. Firms selected for PHASE II evaluations will be notified of additional submission requirements. All submittals must indicate this Solicitation No. GS-04P-97-EXC-0004 on the face of the envelope. Late submittals will be handled in accordance with FAR 52.215-10. GSA/Property Development (4PCC), ATTN: Phil King, 401 West Peachtree, Suite 2500, Atlanta, GA 30365-2550 404/331-4620/FAX 404/730-2309 (0334)

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