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Afdtc/pkzb, 205 West D Avenue, Suite 428, Eglin Afb, Fl 32542-6864

A -- TRI-SERVICE SIGNATURE MEASUREMENT AND DATA SYSTEM (TSMADS) POC Contact Lt Tim Scarborough, Contract Manager, (904) 882-8567 or Marilyn Koser, Contracting Officer at (904) 882-4141 The Central Test and Evaluation Investment Program (CTEIP) Office has established a Tri-Service program to develop a specific set of capabilities to measure certain target signatures. The Tri-Service Signature Measurement and Database System (TSMADS) Program will address target signature measure requirements for the Army, Navy, and Air Force. The Air Force Development Test Center (AFDTC)/46th Test Wing has been identified as the Program Manager for this effort. The Electro-Optical (EO)/Infrared (IR)/Laser Systems Flight of the Test Wing is seeking information on the availability of technology to develop and implement the requirements of the TSMADS program. The instrumentation suites to be developed under this program include the following: a. Air Force: Airborne Spatial/Spectral IR and Ultra Violet (UV) Signature Measurement SystemCapabilityinstrument. This system capability instrument must be able to measure the IRinfrared and UV signatures of aircraft and anti-air missiles in their normaloperating environments, infrared countermeasures operated in their normal environment, and surface targets. The system must have approximately the following parameters: (1) Field and Airborne capability with rugged compact design. One application requires that the signature measurement instrument be mounted oncarried in a small stabilized gimbal which is installed in a pod and carriedpod on fighter aircraft. Another application requires that the instrument be mountedbe mounted in carried in a large stabilized turret on a C-130 aircraft. Other applications require that the instrument be capable of being mounted on fixed and mobile towers, high cables, and other types of surface locations. The range of operational environments is fairly severe. (2) Must be capable of producing spatial resolutions on the order of 1 milliradian (or smaller). The system must produce spectral signature data for each spatial pixel at the rates and spectral resolutions specified below: (a) Collect signature datawithin a total minimum field-of-view (FOV) of approximately 1 degree byx 1 degree. (minimum). It is desirable that the system also have the capability (with pre-mission reconfiguration of the system allowed) to collect signature data within FOV up to 5 degrees by 5 degrees (with corresponding decreases in spatial/spectral scan rates, while maintaining the spatial resolution specified above). (b) Meet the spatial/spectral signature requirements in the 3.5 to 5 micrometer band (minimum). It is desirable that the system also have the capability (with pre-mission reconfiguration of the system allowed) to meet the spatial/spectral signature requirements in the 1 to 2.7 micrometer bands. (c) Provide a spectral resolution on the order of 5 wave numbers over the specified spectral bands, while operating at the specified spectral/spatial rates. Spectral resolution greater than 15 wave numbers is unacceptable. (d)Provide data at spectral/spatial data cube rates up to the order of 75 per second. Higher frame rates are desirable for some applications. It is desirable that the data cube rate be selectable (with pre-mission reconfiguration of the system allowed) to values lower than the maximum rate when measuring the signature of relatively static scenes. (e)Provide spatial/spectral signature data from dynamic targets (such as incoming missiles and IR countermeasure devices) with radiance equivalent to a blackbody at below 100 degrees centigrade if the target fills at least one spatial pixel. It is desirable that the system have the capability to measure the spatial/spectral signatures of relatively static targets with radiance equivalent to a blackbody (at temperatures near or below zero degrees centigrade). (3) Provide the capability to simultaneously record spatial/spectral signature data in scenes that have spectral radiance variations as large as at least 12 bits above the minimum values stated above. It is desirable that the dynamic range be as large as practical. We are soliciting product information from organizations who build instruments of this general type. Information submitted should include similar product specification literature and appropriate past experience in the development of similar instruments. b. Air Force: Airborne Imaging IR/Millimeter Wave (MMW)) Signature Measurement SystemCapability/ UV instrument. The systemcapability must be able to measure and record the IR (mid-wave and long-wave bands)(MIR, FIR), and MMW (10Ghz, 35Ghz, 95Ghz) signatures of surface targets in clutter and slow moving airborne targets. It must be capable of operating in housed into an existing stabilized airborne platform approximately 24 x 30 inch cylindrical. The system must be ruggedized to operate in an airborne environment. The system must have the following parameters: (1) Provide simultaneous dual mode signature data (mid-wave IR (MWIR) and long-wave IR (LWIR) MIR and FIR, plus one band of MMW) (2) Provide spatial IR data with a resolution near of0.1 milliradian. (3) The IR system must be capable of multiple FOV operation with a minimum of 1 degreedeg, 10 degrees, and 20 degrees FOV. (4) The IR system must provide a dynamic range adequate for capturing the energy ranges for a typical surface target/background scenes. (5) The MMW system must be modular, i.e. common back-endbackend electronics and processing with separate interchangeable front ends for each MMW band of interest. (6)The MMW system is desired to have a bandwidth of 2 GHhz. We are soliciting product information from organizations who build instruments of this general type. Information submitted should include similar product specification literature and appropriate past experience in the development of similar instruments. c. Army: Ground-based Visible/NearVisible IR(NIR)/MWIR/MMWFIRImaging IR/MMW instrument Signature Measurement System. The system capability must provide simultaneous multi-spectral data or individual spectrum data, i.e. Visible, or NIR, MWIR or LWFIR, or MMW, from a ground-based platform on a variety of surface targets. The visible NIR, MWIR, and LWIR must be capable of being mounted on a platform. (1) The visible and NIR systems should provide spatial resolution to match the 2o observer criterion and spectral data froma single instruments. The visible and NIR systems must be separate. (2) The visible, NIR, MMW, and LWIR must be able to collect data at a minimum of 30 frames per second. (3) The MWIR and LWIR systemis desired to should provide spatial/spectral infrared data with a spatial resolution of 0.1 milliradian0.1milliradian and a spectral resolution ofpproximately 60 wave numbers. (4) The IR system must be capable of multiple FOV operations with a minimum of 1 degree., (5) The IR system must provide a dynamic range adequate for actually measuringcapturing the radiance signature of energy ranges for a typical surface targets in a natural background of 30oC to 40oC at ranges up to 3 kilometers.. (6) The MMW system must be modular, i.e. common back-endbackend electronics and processing with separate interchangeable front ends for each MMW band of interest. (7) The MMW system should provide signature data with a resolution of at least 6 inches.is desired to have a bandwidth of 2 Ghz. We are soliciting product information from organizations who build instruments of this general type. Information submitted should include similar product specification literature and appropriate past experience in the development of similar instruments. d.Navy. Undersea Acoustic Signature Measurement and Tracking System.Capability.Instrument. (1)This system must be capable of detecting and quantifying the radiated acoustic signature and geographical location of targets within a 100 KM2 undersea test range for the purpose of supporting at-sea test and evaluation exercises of undersea vehicles and surface craft. The signature measurement capability of this system should enhance the ability to spatially identify multiple targets and to separate targets from countermeasures. (2) The instrumentation for this system should be deployable in such a configuration so as to not interfere physically with the operation of exercise surface craft or undersea vehicles. (3) The target tracking methods of this system should not require acoustic transmissions that interfere with the objectives of the test and evaluation exercise. However, for exercises that require high accuracy, the system should not exclude compatibility with existing active range tracking methods. (4) The system will not be required to make blind target detection. Some aspect of each target signature will be known to the system before the test and evaluation exercise. The system will be required to detect and track by acoustic signature, up to nine independent targets, or three targets and six countermeasures. The acoustic signatures of each target can range in frequency from seismic to ultrasonic. (5) Real-time acoustic signature target tracking will be required for targets ranging in speed from stationary to 200 knots. (6) The position accuracy required will be determined by the test and evaluation exercise, and will be dependent on the method of acoustic tracking employed as well as the environmental conditions at the time of test. High accuracy, equivalent to the current standards of active acoustic target tracking, should be achievable if required, and if it is possible to install the proper active hardware on the test targets. For test and evaluation exercises that require non-invasive tracking, and during environmental conditions that yield adequate target acoustic signature-to-noise ratios, position accuracy within one order of magnitude of active tracking should be achievable. (7) The method that has been explored by the Navy, and which shows promise for meeting these requirements, utilizes a combination of matched-field/matched-mode and horizontal planar array technology. Co-located vertical line and horizontal planar arrays have been used to detect acoustic signatures and estimate range and bearing of multiple, simultaneous targets with reasonable accuracy. (8)The system should be deployable in water ranging from 30 meters to 600 meters in depth. Survivability in high traffic and highly fished locations is required. This can be achieved either by development of an easily retrievable system or by deployment of physically protected in-water components. High water current (6 knots) should not affect the deployment or operation of the acoustic signature tracking system. (9) The system components can be divided into two categories: in-water and dry-end. The in-water category can be further divided into sensor package and telemetry. The dry-end can be divided into telemetry receiver, signal processing hardware, signal processing software, and data archive system. (10) The in-water subsystem must have an expected deployed life span of 10 years. The dry-end subsystem hardware should be composed of commercial-off-the-shelf or non-developmental items. The signal processing software is expected to be highly specialized, but should be written to allow for expansion of capabilities as the methodology matures. Acoustic Detection & Signature Measurement. Frequency Range: Seismic to Ultrasonic. Speeds: Stationary to 300 KTS. Single Target of Interest. Interfering Source Rejection. Accuracy: +/- 2dB. Tracking Range Size: Up to 10's of km2. Range, Bearing and Depth. Accuracy Aircraft: Sufficient to eliminate from interfering noise sources. Ground Vehicles: Sufficient to eliminate from interfering noise sources. Surface Ship and Undersea: Consistent with Acoustic Hyperbolic Tracking 5-10m for T&E. Multiple Targets: 8 maximum. Water Depth 30m TBD (2000m for AUTEC) Ambient Conditions Countermeasure Environments. Coastal Environments. We are soliciting information from organizations who can provide individual components, subsystems,or complete systems of this type. Information submitted should indicate past experience in development of undersea acoustic signature measurement, detection, and/or tracking systems. All of these instrument suites will be required to meet stringent environmental and interface constraints consistent with their planned applications. Although individual systemscapabilities may be based on separate technologies and serve different purposes, attempts must be made to include commonality wherever possible. Signal and data processing, as well as data formats, are possible candidates for commonality. The Program Office is considering separate contracts for individual instrument suites or groupings of suites, but has not ruled out the possibility of a single contract for the entire program. This RFI is for planning purposes only and shall not be considered as a Request for Proposal (RFP) or as an obligation on the part of the Government to acquire any products or services. The Government does not plan to award a contract based on the responses from this RFI or otherwise pay for the information solicited. No entitlement to payment of direct or indirect costs of charges by the Government will arise as a result of contractor submission of responses to this RFI or the Government's use of such information. The Government reserves the right to reject, in whole or in part, any contractor's input resulting from this RFI. This RFI does not constitute a solicitation for proposals or the authority to enter into negotiations to award a contract. No funds have been authorized, appropriated, or received for this contemplated effort. The information you provide may be utilized by the Air Force in developing its acquisition strategy and in its Statement of Work/Statement of Objectives. The information resulting from this RFI may be released to industry as one or more RFPs. Industry is encouraged to respond with information not constrained by proprietary data rights. However, if proprietary data is included in your reply, please mark it appropriately. Any subsequent actions resulting from the evaluation of the information provided as a result of this RFI may be synopsized at a future date. If synopsized, information detailing the specific requirements of this procurement(s) will be included. Replies to this RFI should arrive at the EO/IR/Laser Systems Flight by 31 January 1997. Address your replies as follows: 46th Test Wing/TSWI, Attn: Mr. Roger Barrett, 303 No. 7th Street, Bldg. 22, Suite 108, Eglin AFB, FL 32542-5641. Additional technical information may be obtained from Mr. Roger Barrett, (904) 882-2594.***** (0347)

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