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General Services Administration,Public Buildings Service,450 Golden Gate Ave nue,San Francisco,CA 94102-3434

Y -- DESIGN-BUILD SERVICES FOR A PROPOSED NEW SOL GS-09P-97-KTC-0014 DUE 032197 POC Contact,Elisa Sanchez,415/522-3162 The General Services Administration (GSA) announces an opportunity to provi de design-build services for a proposed new Federal Bldg./Courthouse in downtown Las Vegas, Nevada. Prospective offerors should be aware that acquistion of the proposed site for this facility has not yet been consummated. The proposed six (6) acre-site is bound by Bridger Avenue to the North, 6th Street to the east, Clark Avenue to the South, and Las Vegas Boulevard South to the west. The new b uilding will be approximately 410,000 gross square feet (38,089 GSM) while conta ining approximately 244,000 occupiable square feet (22,668 OSM) and will be able to satisfy the US Courts' 10 and 30 year requirements. The design of the build ing exterior, public spaces (lobbies, corridors), Jury Assembly, and the courtro oms will be provided by the Government. The eight (8) story building will house 10 courtrooms/judges chambers, court-related agencies, court support facilities with spaces for federal executive agencies at the initial occupancy which will later be renovated for future court use. The building will include one level of subterranean parking of 91 spaces and surface parking for approximately 200 spa ces. The building will be designed and constructed in "soft" metric units. The estimated total construction cost is between $70,000,000 and $83,000,000 with o ccupancy planned for the year 2000. The scope of Design/Build Services includes, but is not limited to the following: Design/Construction documents, and const ruction work which consists of providing all labor, material and equipment for e xcavation, complete buildout of core and shell and tenant improvement of the Fed eral Building/Courthouse. The acquisition will implement a "Two Phase" selectio n process. The Design/Builder selection will be completed in two phases as foll ows: PHASE ONE(1) will identify those firms which are highly and technically qua lified. A maximum of five (5) firms will be selected for consideration for PHAS E TWO (2). The short list willbe based on the firms' submittals in response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ). The Phase Two (2) submission is the basi s of making the final selection. Those firms will be required to prepare fully developed technical and price proposals. The Government will not allow any stip end for preparation of proposals. Offerors for Phase One (1) can be partnership, corporation, association, and/or other legal entity which will have contractua l responsibility for the project. A proposed joint venture should provide profi les for all firms in the joint venture. Consideration for the firm is not restri cted to any geographic area. Firms interested in receiving the RFQ should submi t a letter of intent and Standard Form 254 prior to the pre-proposal meeting to be held on Friday, January 10, 1997 at 10:00 A.M., in Courtroom 1, Foley Buildin g, 300 Las Vegas Blvd., South, Las Vegas, NV. Submit your letter of intent and SF 254 by FAX (415) 522-3316, Attention: Elisa Sanchez, Contracting Officer or M ail to: GSA, Property Development Division (9PCS) 450 Golden Gate Avenue, 3rd Fl oor West, San Francisco, CA 94102-3434. Project qualifications submitted by eac h firm will be reviewed and evaluated based on the following evaluation factors. The evaluation factors may or may not change between now and the issuance of t he RFQ. I. PAST PERFORMANCE: (50%) Offerors' proposals will be evaluated (1) t o compare the similarity of project(s) completed within the last ten (10) years, (2) to determine the extent to which project(s) were completed on time and with in budget while meeting qualitative expectations, and (3) to consider the offero rs' working relationship with the owner(s) representative. Each offeror will be evaluated, in part, based on the project owner's evaluation of the offerors' re cent past performance on existing projects for similar services. Construction o f an existing project must be at least 50% complete, in order to be considered f or evaluation. II. ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE AND MANAGEMENT APPROACH: (25%) Offe rors' proposals will be evaluated (1) to determine the organizational structure and assignment of responsibilities of the member firms and their key personnel, (2) to consider the extent of past experience that the firms or key members of t he firms have in working together, and (3) to verify that the management plan pr ovides for appropriate assurance of quality while maintaining schedule and cost control. III. TEAM COMPOSITION: (25%) Offerors' proposal will be evaluated (1) to determine the individual and collective strength and experience of member fi rms, and (2) to determine the personnel experience and education of the offerors ' key personnel as well as their experience on most recent projects for similar services. Prospective offerors will be required to demonstrate their financial responsibility, including bonding capacity as part of their Phase One (1) submis sion. For Phase One (1) offerors shall be required to submit ten (10) copies of the following: SF 254, a maximum of ten(10) completed projects within the last ten (10) years including the name, address and telephone number of owner repres entative for each project, a management plan narrative which includes organizati on chart, graphic representation of preliminary schedule with key milestones and resumes of key personnel. The Government will only provide additional informat ion regarding PHASE TWO (2) interviews and final selection criteria to the short -- -listed firms. This procurement is being made under the Small Business Competit iveness Demonstration Program. Prior to award of the contract, the firm which d oes not qualify as Small Business Concern shall be required to present an accept able Subcontracting Plan in accordance with Public Law 95-507. Small Businesses and Small Disadvantaged Businesses are encouraged to participate as prime contr actor or as members of joint ventures with other small businesses. The success ful contractor will be expected to place subcontract with small and small disadv antaged businesses to the maximum practical extent in accordance with Public Law 95-507. Although this procurement is open to large business, small and small d isadvantaged firms are strongly encouraged to participate. Written comments and questions arising from the January 10, 1997 pre-proposal meeting must be receiv ed by Close of Business (4:00 P.M.) on January 21, 1997. A Request for Qualifica tions (RFQ) will be issued before February 3, 1997. This not a request for FEE PROPOSAL. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL ELISA SANCHEZ AT (415) 522-3162. (0351)

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