COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF DECEMBER 24,1996 PSA#1748Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, (M:P), 6009 Oxon
TIRNO97R00012 DUE 021997 POC Contract Specialist, Romaine A. Wilkins,
202-283-1264 This request for proposals (RFP) for FIP resources support
consists of equipment maintenance and related support services. These
services are currently being performed under IRS contract
TIRNO-91-D-00038 with Lockheed Martin Federal Systems Co. The sandard
industrial classification (SIC) code is 7378. The acquisition will be
a total small business set-aside. The contract will have a one year
base contract period, and three one-year options to extend. The FIP
resources are located at the two IRS computng centers located in
Martinsburg, WV and Memphis, TN; and at the IRS' nine service centers
located in Andover, MA, Atlanta, GA, Austin, TX, Holtsville, NY,
Covington, KY, Fresno, CA, Kansas City, MO, Ogden, UT, and
Philadelphia, PA. Equipment maintenance shall consist of the labor,
tools, diagnostic software and parts required to perform on-site
preventive maintenance and remedial repair on either an on-call or
per-callbasis, or a combination of both. The required remedial
maintenance support will be available up to 24 hours per day, seven
days per week, at each site, with a response time of two hours.
Equipment to be supported includes IBM plug compatible mainframe
procssors, communication controllers, and peripherals devices such as
DASD, tape drives, printers, and terminals. Support Services shall
consist of maintenance related systems engineering services such as
repair, testing, installation, removal, and configuration of equipment.
The contract will support the addition, removal, and substitution of
equipment. The estimated issue date for the solicitation i February 5,
1997, with proposals due on or about March 26, 1997, with the contract
award scheduled for October 1, 1997. Telefax requests will be accepted
at (202) 283-1533. Telephone requests will not be honored. You may
obtain the solicitation from the IS Procurement Bulletin Board System
(BBS). 1. To access the BBS dial (202) 799- 0943. 2. To gain access
your system set at the following defaults: 9600 Baud, No Parity, 8
databits, 1 stop bit. 3. The system will prompt you for your name,
business name and address, the kind of system you are using, user ID,
and a password of your choice. 4. At the Main Systems Menu, Type "L"
then press (ENTER). 5. Type "S"to select a library then press (ENTER).
6. Type "SBPO" then press (ENTER). 7. Type "F" then press (ENTER) to
view a list files. 8. To download a file enter D(filename)(ZMODEM) then
press (ENTER). Note: The ICS Maintenance RFP filename is ICSMFMNT.EXE.
9. T exit the BBS and/or any menu, type "X". The systems are operating
24 hours a day, 7 days a week. See Note(s) 1 and 26. (0355) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0025 19961224\D-0004.SOL)
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