COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JANUARY 02,1997 PSA#1753U.S. Army Engineer District, Rock Island, Corps of Engineers, Clock
Tower Building, P.O. Box 2004, Rock Island, Illinois 61204-2004 R -- CULTURAL RESOURCE INVESTIGATIONS, ROCK ISLAND DISTRICT, UPPER
DACW25-97-R-0005 DUE 022197 POC Janet Hancks, (309)794-5443/Bonnie
Donelson, (309)794-5241 Services to be performed under a fixed-price
indefinite quantity contract may include, but not be limited to
archival and historical research; reconnaissance and intensive
archaeological/geomorphological field surveys; site testing/evaluation
for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP); data recovery
through site excavation; preparation of cultural resource management
plans; special studies; laboratory analyses; computerized data base
creation and management; technical reports; and preparation of National
Register nomination forms. Work and services under this contract shall
be assigned by work orders duly issued by the Contracting Officer.
Final products will be high quality technical reports on the results of
the work delivered to the Rock Island District, Corps of Engineers. The
contract period will be for one (1) year with the Government having the
option to renew for four (4) additional one-year periods. The Offerors
must demonstrate expertise across a broad range of cultural resource
management areas including regional history, prehistory, and
geomorphology with particular emphasis upon the main valley trench and
adjacent bluffs of the Mississippi River within the Rock Island
District within the states of Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, and Wisconsin.
Proposals will be evaluated using five major factors or categories as
follows: Personnel Qualifications, Regional Expertise, Organizational
Capability, Schedule of Rates, and Past Performance. When averaging
the points of all evaluators, proposals will be considered outside the
competitive range if the average of total points for all Evaluation
Factors is below 80 percent of the possible points OR if the average of
points for any one Evaluation Factor is below 75 percent of the
possible points for that factor regardless of whether the average of
the total points is above 80 percent. The Government intends to
evaluate proposals and award a contract without discussions with
offerors. Therefore, each initial offer should contain the offeror's
best terms from a cost or price and technical standpoint. However, the
Government reserves the right to conduct discussions if later
determined by the Contracting Officer to be necessary. The total cost
of all work orders per year shall not exceed $500,000 with individual
work orders not exceeding $150,000. Minimum guaranteed annual amount
shall be $10,000 for the initial year; $5,000 in any option year should
options be exercised by the Government. This procurement is
unrestricted. Set of specifications will be furnished at no cost. All
responsible sources may submit an offer which will be considered. The
Standard Industrial Classification Code for this procurement is 8999.
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