COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JANUARY 3,1997 PSA#1754Defense Supply Center Columbus/COV; 3990 E. Broad Street; = Columbus,
Amend 0001 DUE 022897 POC Point of Contact -- Jeff Dixius, Contract
Specialist, = 614-692-7348, Jim Secrist, Contract Specialist,
614-692-7346 Broad Agency Announcement (BAA VPV 96-02) Amendment 0001
The = Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) serves within the Department of
Defense = (DOD) as a wholesale level industrial distributor of spare
parts, = maintenance, repair and operating supplies for the military
services = worldwide. DLA is interested in demonstrating unique and
innovative = approaches for providing logistics support to the military
services that = will maintain the highest state of weapon systems
readiness, to include = surge and sustainment capability to enhance the
defense mobilization = base, by improving the logistics support
provided to the military = service's maintenance facilities. These
facilities perform the major = repair and/or rebuild of weapon systems
and major components. To = facilitate performing to the expected
objectives of the program, new = strategies are required utilizing
advanced manufacturing, distribution, = and materials management
techniques to improve repair turn around time, = and the ability of the
industrial base to respond to changes in customer = demand and
effectively reduce the overall cost to the government. This = requires
integration of commercial and military supply and distribution =
systems, electronic data interchange, management of demand based =
customer inventory and direct vendor delivery. The desired level of =
performance is broadly categorized in terms of improving order =
fulfillment cycle-time, product quality, total cost, and the capability
= to deliver other information and/or technical support services. The
= private sector provider of this service will act as an extension of
DLA = and will be expected to establish an intelligent partnership
between the = maintenance customer, DLA and other supply sources; and
to use = innovative, state of the art methodologies to reorganize,
synchronize, = supplement and otherwise improve the effectiveness of
the support = provided by the existing DOD supply chain processes and
systems. The = purpose of the BAA is to announce that DLA is soliciting
concept papers = for this effort under the Virtual Prime Vendor (VPV)
Program. Concepts = should be directed at improving the supply support
for the Avionics = Manufacturing Shop and/or the Avionics and
Electronic Warfare (EW) = Repair Shops at Warner Robins Air Logistics
Center, Robins Air Force = Base, Georgia. A key goal is to develop a
process which can be exported = from this site to other DOD locations
involved in avionics/electronics = manufacturing and/or repair. The
successful VPV contractor(s) will be = expected to provide and/or
coordinate the supply support effort for the = full range of parts and
components consumed in the manufacture or repair = of
avionics/electronic warfare items. Your concept paper should not only
= address your company's ability to provide items to the Warner Robins
= facility, but should also address the ability to provide items to
other = DLA customers worldwide, taking into consideration such factors
as = distribution methods, manufacturing sources, item availability,
market = conditions, etc. Even though the initial pilot/demonstration
site will = be the Avionics/Electronic Warfare Shops at Warner Robins
ALC, we also = strongly encourage and will consider concept papers for
similar = avionics/electronics shops at other DOD locations, e.g.,
other Air = Logistics Centers; Tobyhanna Army Depot;
NAWC/Hughes-Indianapolis; Naval = Aviation Depot, Jacksonville, FL;
etc. We anticipate that the second = demonstration site will be the
Electronics Repair Operations at = Tobyhanna Army Depot. It will be
incumbent on the VPV contractor to = determine the best method of
support to meet the performance criteria of = the program. Teaming
arrangements between developers and systems = integrators,
universities, research institutes, or other collaborators, = are
encouraged, and single offerors should anticipate the possibility of =
being expected to work collaboratively with other organizations if
they = receive an award. PROGRAM SCOPE: Concepts for individual efforts
= should not exceed a total of five years, and should also include =
procedures that, if adopted, would last until the extinction of the =
weapon system. The primary objective is to lower overall logistics =
support costs. Technologies which have a significant impact on key =
logistics metrics, such as customer wait time, backorders, customer =
complaints, cost of quality, inventory reduction, administrative =
procurement lead-time, and combat readiness, will be given highest =
priority. Concept papers are to include cost data, as well as =
proposer's preferred type of contract. Contract awards, if any, are =
expected to be made during the second quarter of fiscal year 1997. =
Awards may be made under FAR 6.302-3. Progress, and performance, will
= be assessed monthly and action items will be determined to ensure
timely = completion of the project and to capitalize on findings. Each
year of = the contract must have performance objectives which are a
part of the = option decision evaluation, to include achievement of
socioeconomic = objectives. EVALUATION CRITERIA: Concepts will be
evaluated on = technical merit and price or cost. The technical
evaluation criteria = are listed below in descending order of
importance: 1. Integrated = Supply Chain Management Concept 2.
Industrial Readiness Support Concept = 3. Past Performance/Corporate
Experience 4. Product Quality/Warranty = 5. Support for Small and Small
Disadvantaged Business 6. MBA Program = 7. Management Plan During the
initial development of concepts, complete = pricing may not be
available or realistic. Those concepts, if any, = selected for full
discussion will provide complete pricing proposals as = a part of the
negotiation process. Offerors are encouraged to recommend = pricing
arrangements suitable for the concepts selected for = demonstration. As
pricing proposals are evaluated, the technical merit = or expected
performance outcomes will be considered more important than = price.
Those proposals committed to product or full cycle cost = reductions
over the demonstration period will be considered more = favorably.
Customer affordability and cost/price realism are also = important
factors. The final award decision will then reflect an = integrated
analysis of expected outcomes and the price to achieve these = results.
1. Integrated Supply Chain Management Concept The =
Avionics/Electronics Repair Shops and the Avionics Manufacturing Shop
= will be evaluated separately as listed below, however, the following
= points are implicit to both: the concept(s) should add no =
administrative cost to the customer; concepts should allow for the =
elimination or reduction of Government inventory to the bare minimum,
= including transfer of Government inventory for the VPV's use in the
= commercial marketplace when in the Government's best interest; and
there = should be no significant changes to local ADP systems or
existing = processes. The offeror's information system shall be
embedded in = business practices and provide for necessary interfaces
with Air Force = and DLA Legacy systems. a. Avionics/Electronics Repair
Shops. (1) The = Government will evaluate the concept for anticipating
the customer's = needs, forecasting the customer's parts/materiel
requirements, = purchasing, inventory control, engineering support,
technical services, = storage and distribution to achieve the objective
of a 100% on demand = issue rate to the Shop Service Centers (SSCs)
supporting the = avionics/electronic repair shops for the common
commercial bit and piece = parts/materiel across 7,300+ National Stock
Numbers (NSNs) and 121 = Federal Supply Classes (FSCs). Reduction of
the retail inventory levels = at the SSCs each year of the contract
until the essential minimum = necessary to support the repair work with
parts/materiel available 100% = on demand is reached will be evaluated.
(2) The concept and network of = manufacturers/suppliers for estimating
delivery dates, and quickly = obtaining non-stocked parts/materiel
needed by the SSCs supporting the = repair shops will be evaluated. (3)
Arrangements with manufacturers = and other parts/materiel suppliers
that enable on demand support across = 7,300+ NSNs and 121 FSCs will be
evaluated. This includes arrangements = with required
manufacturers/suppliers for parts/materiel on Qualified = Products
Lists (QPLs), Qualified Manufacturers Lists (QMLs) and = Qualified
Suppliers Lists (QSLs). (4) The Government will evaluate the = method
by which you plan to provide items, i.e., your own sources of = supply,
government inventory, government contracts, etc. (5) The = Government
will evaluate the proposed closed-loop Electronic = Commerce/Electronic
Data Interchange (EC/EDI) information systems = solution(s) and
interfaces to DLA and Air Force legacy systems to = receive/process
orders, issue/deliver/receive parts/materiel, capture =
demand/consumption data, forecast requirements, effect invoicing/ =
payment, permit DLA to recover its administrative and materiel =
investment costs, etc . Ease of Government access to order status =
information on a near real-time basis and a method for the customer to
= access a single point to place orders will be evaluated. (6) The =
concept for providing engineering support to identify parts/materiel =
that are currently used by the avionics/electronics repair shops which
= may become unavailable in the future, and to make recommendations for
= possible substitute parts or life buys, etc. will be evaluated. b. =
Avionics Manufacturing Shop (1) Phase I. The Government will evaluate
= concepts for rapidly pricing all parts/materiel needed for a given
Bill = of Materiels (BOM) and, if the customers' project is approved,
= subsequently supplying all the parts/materiel to the Avionics =
Manufacturing Shop in accordance with established delivery schedules.
= (2) Phase II. In this phase, WR-ALC will give their customers' =
requirements for a job to the VPV. The Government will evaluate =
concepts to determine the VPV response time for providing a BOM for =
required parts and their coststo the Avionics Manufacturing Shop. If =
the customer decides to fund the job, then the VPV will provide the =
required parts to the Avionics Manufacturing Shop in accordance with
= established delivery schedules. 2. Industrial Readiness Support =
Concept The Government will evaluate the concept for providing parts =
and materiel to meet surge/sustainment needs of the
avionics/electronics = repair shops during contingencies. This will
include: a. The ability = to forecast and react to surge requirements.
b. The ability to rapidly = escalate the operating tempo to support
surge requirements, and maintain = a level of sustainment. 3. Past
Performance/ Corporate Experience a. = Concept papers will be evaluated
to determine if they demonstrate a = level of past performance that
provides a reasonable assurance that the = Government's objectives will
be met. A record of marginally acceptable = or unacceptable past
performance will have a negative effect on the = evaluation rating for
this factor. Experience (similar to the stated = requirements) in
providing integrated supply chain management for = parts/materiel
support to avionics/electronics manufacturing and repair = shops will
be evaluated. This shall include the firm's own corporate = entity and
any partners, joint ventures, subcontractors, alternate = sources,
etc., who will be performing on the proposed concept = demonstration
contract. The Government will evaluate the following: = (i) The length
of experience (ii) Annual sales dollar volume (iii) = Number of
customers serviced (iv) Total average number of orders = processed and
total average number of line items delivered weekly based = on the
latest yearly reporting period. (v) Performance records of = contracts
where you have served as an integrated supply chain manager = within
the last three years. b. Quality awards, distinctions, or =
certifications received that indicates a high-quality process for =
performing the work required/concept to be demonstrated will be =
evaluated. c. The experience of personnel who will play a key role in
= assuring total success and customer satisfaction will be evaluated.
4. = Product Quality/ Warranty The Government will evaluate the
following: = a. Quality system. b. Warranty provisions. c. System for
obtaining, = handling, and supplying OEM certified parts and
parts/materiel required = on/from QPLs, QMLs and QSLs. 5. Support for
Small and Small = Disadvantaged Business The Government will evaluate
the offeror's plan = for providing real business opportunity for small
businesses (SB) and = small disadvantaged businesses (SDB), including
specific socioeconomic = objectives for each year of the contract.
Plans to develop additional = opportunities will be evaluated as part
of the subcontracting plan. 6. = Mentoring Business Agreements (MBA)
Program The Government will = evaluate offerors' plans to develop
maximum opportunity for small = businesses and small disadvantaged
businesses by participating in the = DLA MBA Program. Pastor current
participation in the Program (i.e. = teaming, joint ventures, etc.)
will also be evaluated.: 7. Management = Plan a. The criteria and plan
for selecting and monitoring performance = of suppliers and
subcontractors to ensure receipt of parts/materiel = consistent with
cost effectiveness, distribution needs, and quality = standards will be
evaluated. b. The plan to achieve product price and = full cycle costs
reductions each year of the contract as productivity = efficiencies
are realized will be evaluated. A plan to achieve a =
Government/contractor share ratio, and the proposed ratio, for price =
reduction savings for each year of the contract will be evaluated. The
= Government may require oral presentations for clarification purposes,
= and offerors may make oral presentations as a supplement to the
written = concept paper. Details of the oral presentation, if
requested, will be = provided at a later date. GENERAL INFORMATION:
This BAA will remain = open for 36 months. This notice, inconjunction
with the document BAA = VPV 96-02 Amend 0001, Proposer Information
Packet (PIP), constitutes the = total BAA. The PIP provides further
information on the following: = areas of interest, general
expectations, submission process, evaluation = criteria, concept
abstract format, and concept paper format. The PIP = is required, and
may be obtained by electronic mail, or fax. A disk = containing the
average monthly rate of consumption for the past 12 = months for
buildings 640 and 645 of WR-ALC for the applicable NSNs will = be made
available upon request -- contact Jeff Dixius or Jim Secrist for =
details. A formal RFP or other solicitation regarding this announcement
= will not be issued. The Government reserves the right to select to =
award all, some, or none of the concept papers received. All =
responsible sources capable of satisfying the Government's requirements
= may submit a concept paper which will be considered by DLA. In order
to = minimize unnecessary effort in concept paper preparation and
review, = offerors are encouraged to submit a brief concept abstract in
advance = of a full concept paper. An original and four copies of the
concept = abstract must be submitted on or before 4:00 PM, January 24,
1997, to = receive an answer prior to the submission date for full
concept papers. = Upon review, DLA will provide written feedback on the
likelihood of a = full concept paper being considered. The initial
administrative cut-off = date for full concept papers is, February 28,
1997. Concept papers = received on or before that date will be
considered for initial contract = awards. Concept papers received
subsequent to that date will be = considered for award at a later date.
Offerors must submit an original = and four copies of full concept
papers by 4:00 PM February 28, 1997, in = order to be evaluated.
Concept papers not meeting the format described = in the PIP may not be
reviewed. Concept papers must be sent by mail, = facsimile copies will
not be accepted, any so sent will be disregarded. = All administrative
correspondence and questions to this BAA, including = requests for
information on how to submit a concept abstract or concept = paper to
this BAA, shall be directed to one of the administrative = addresses
below, e-mail is preferred. Administrative Addresses = Mailing: Defense
Supply Center Columbus; DSCC-COV; Attn: Jeff Dixius; = 3990 E. Broad
Street; Columbus, OH 43216-5000 E-mail: for Jeff = Dixius:
"Jeffrey_Dixius@dscc.dla.mil" for Jim Secrist: =
"James_Secrist@dscc.dla.mil" Phone: Jeff Dixius (614)692-7348 Jim =
Secrist (614)692-7346 Fax: (614)692-3120 =20 (0366) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0181 19970103\59-0012.SOL)
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