Loren Data Corp.




DISA-DITCO/DTS42, 2300 East Drive, Bldg 3600, Scott AFB, IL 62225-5406

D -- DEFENSE COMPUTING OPERATIONS SUPPORT (DCOS) SOL *DCA200-97-R-0048 DUE 022597 POC Shirley C. Richey, (618) 256-9461 The Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization (DITCO), Computer Technology Division, Procurement Branch (DTS42), Scott AFB, IL, intends to issue a competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) for Defense Computing Operations Support (DCOS). The RFP will result in a five year (one base year with 4 option years) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract. The DCOS acquisition will include support in areas such as computer operations, executive software managememt, disk management/backup, host platform peripheral and communications, user access management, security management, performance management, capacity monitoring, help desk, configuration management, continuity of operations, database administration, touch labor, application/system design and integration, and end user support. A minimum of two awards per region is anticipated with a possibility of four to eight regions. *A seperate RFP will be issued for each region (i.e., multiple solicitation numbers). This willbe a 100 percent small business set aside procurement with multiple awards using the fair opportunity process. Each award will encompass the ability to provide the entire scope of work required for computing support. A small business teaming approach is encouraged to allow the prime to be able to provide the entire scope of work. A preference for small business teaming may be utilized during evaluation. The DISA Homepage on the world wide web (www) will be utilized as one means of communicating this acquisition to the small business industry. The www address is http://www.disa.mil/line/dmosc.html; it can be accessed via the D41 or DITCO-NCR pages. A draft RFP will be released on or about 17 Jan 97 via the www and disk copies. The final RFP will be released on or about 27 Jan 97. To request a copy of the draft and final RFP send written request via FAX to (618) 256-9414 or email to richeys@ditco.disa.mil. The estimated date of award is 31 Mar 97. All responsible sources may submit a proposalwhich will be considered by DISA/DITCO. The applicable SIC Codes are 4813 (except radiotelephone), 7371, 7372, 7373, 7374, 7375, 7376, 7378, and 7379. See Note 1. (0013)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0022 19970115\D-0003.SOL)

D - Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication Services Index Page