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U.s. Department Of Energy, Chicago Operations Office, 9800 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, Illinois 60439

E -- COMMERCIAL LISHT WATER REACTOR PRODUCTION OF TRITIUM SOL DE-RP02-97DP00414 DUE 061397 POC POC: Carla Harper, 630/252-2842, Roberta Schroeder, 630/252-2708, Charles G. Frazier, Contracting Officer, 630/252-2082 WEB: DOE CH Acquisition HomePage, http://www.ch.doe.gov/division/acq/acq_home.htm. E-MAIL: Tritium Board, tritium.board@ch.doe.gov. The Department of Energy (DOE) intends to issue a draft request for proposals for two approaches for the production of tritium utilizing commercial light water reactors (CLWR). The first approach contemplates the DOE acquiring irradiation services from two or more existing CLWRs. DOE has developed a tritium producing burnable absorber rod (TPBAR) which is designed to be placed in burnable absorber rod locations in pressurized light water reactors. The TPBARs will be delivered by DOE to a location specified by the successful offeror(s). After irradiation and the completion of the refueling outage, the TPBARs will be placed in government furnished shipping casks for subsequent removal from the site by DOE. Offerors of irradiation services will also be strongly encouraged to provide the DOE with an option to purchase the unit. The second approach contemplates the purchase of an operating CLWR for tritium production. If the purchase option is selected, it could involve acquisition of the entire unit or only the Nuclear Island. Under both the irradiation services and purchase option approaches, DOE contemplates a three phase approach under any resultant contract(s). During Phase 1 (December 1, 1997 thru December 31, 1998), the contractor(s) will generally prepare the necessary documentation for the required application for a Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) license/amendment, provide data to support the preparation of applicable DOE National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents and generally complete plans for carrying out all activities leading to the irradiation of TPBARs. Optional Phase 2 (January 1, 1999 thru December 31,2002) will generally provide for the implementation of all physical modifications to ensure that TPBAR irradiation can be accomplished and obtain all necessary NRC, other regulatory agency, and NEPA approvals. Optional Phase 3 (July 1, 2001 thru December 31, 2012 for Irradiation Services and January 1, 2003 thru December 31, 2012 for Purchase of an Operating CLWR) will provide for the commencement of TPBAR irradiation and shall include operation in the case of the purchase of either the Nuclear Island or the entire unit. The following qualification criteria will apply to both approaches to the solicitation: (1) only pressurized U.S. Commercial Light Water Reactors are eligible to provide the required services; and (2) the proposed unit(s) shall not have any components which would prohibit the unit(s) use for military purposes as part of the purchase agreement, except for fuel, which is addressed in the (RFP) Statement of Work. In addition to the above; the following qualification criteria apply under the purchase approach only: (1) operating reactors shall have an NRC License expiration of December 31, 2020 or later; and (2) the unit proposed shall have a rating of 2400MW thermal or greater. Under the Irradiation Services approach, only the following criterion applies: operating reactors shall have a license expiration of January 1, 2013 or later. The draft RFP will be released for comment on or about January 28, 1997. A draft solicitation review conference is planned for March 12, 1997 in Atlanta, Georgia. Comments on the draft solicitation will be encouraged through February 28, 1997 and significant discussions and input from potential proposers regarding the draft RFP document are expected and will be encouraged at the conference. The draft solicitation will also be posted on the DOE Chicago INTERNET Home Page at http://www.ch.doe.gov/division/acq/acq_home.htm. To access and download the solicitation electronically, use one of the following methods: (1) users with INTERNET access can use WEB browsers such as NETSCAPE and MOSAIC to access the DOE CHICAGO OPERATIONS OFFICE HOMEPAGE at http://www.ch.doe.gov/; or (2) users with dial-up hosts connection to the INTERNET (such as America On Line, Compuserv, or Prodigy) can access the DOE CHICAGO OPERATIONS OFFICE HOME PAGE by using their INTERNET access software. In addition, copies of the solicitation will also be available on a Floppy Disk. To obtain a Floppy Disk of the RFP, please contact Carla Harper at (630)252-2842, or Roberta Schroeder at (630)252-2708, submit a request by e-mail at TRITIUM.BOARD@CH.DOE.GOV, or facsimile at (630)252-0483. State your name, address, solicitation number and the desired format.***** (0013)

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