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GSA, Public Buildings Service (7PMCA),Construction Svcs. Br.,819 Taylor St. Rm 12A26,Fort Worth,TX 76102-6105

Z -- INDEFINITE QUANTITY REPAIR & ALTERATION SOL GS-07P-97-HUD-0020 DUE 022597 POC Contact,Judy Tidwell,817/978-7087 SIC Code 1542, Solicitation GS-07P-97-HUD-0020, Project 7IQ-97-0029, Gen'l Services Administration (GSA) is soliciting for unscheduled construction service s with design-build capabilities for interior and limited exterior work in GSA-o wned and leased buildings in the State of Arkansas. The dura- tion of the contr act will be for a period of one year with two one year options, with both GSA an d the contractor having the right of refusal to exercise options. This indefini te quantity contract covers, but is not limited to, electrical, carpentry, mason ry, plumbing, mechanical and other repetitive repair services and all other item s referred to in the spec in addition to design-build services. Offerors will b e required to submit their responses to the following questionnaire for the Tech nical Evaluation (Stage One). Offerors who are determined by the Government to b e in the competitive range after technical evaluations, will receive the Request For Proposal (RFP) package and will be required to provide a price proposal (St age Two) which shall include one adjustment factor for Government pre- determine d line items and one for the Means Data Books prices. A pre- proposal conferenc e will be held in Little Rock, Arkansas to promote a better understanding of the solicitation and to answer questions about the submittal of technical proposals . The date for this conference is Thursday February 6, 1997, at 1:30 p.m., Fede ral Building, 700 West Capitol, Rm.3309 Little Rock, Arkansas 72201. The estima ted cost is up to $250,000 per one year period. This is a negotiated procuremen t accomplished by the Source Selection method which will result in award of a fi rm-fixed price contract to the firm offeroring the greatest value to the Governm ent. Technical ability is more important than price. Award of this contract is contingent upon successful negotiations of a reasonable price, however, award m ay be made without discussions. Offerors will not be reimbursed for expenses or efforts under stage one or stage two submissions. The Government is not limite d to contacting only those references provided by the offeror. The Government m ay also consider the offeror's performance on contracts not submitted by the off eror that the Government is aware of or becomes aware of. Definitions: Similar is defined for this contract as five (5) project s of which at least one of the projects will have involved building space of a minimum of 10,000 SF. The five projects will have involved interior and exterior repairs and alterations withi n federal, state, municipal owned buildings or similar construction and which ra nge from $5000 to $50,000. Quality is defined as meeting or exceeding the custom ers' requirements as set forth in the construction contract documents in a timel y and cooperativ e manner and within established budgets. Stage One Submission Requirements : The following technical factors will be evaluated by the response s to the questionnaire and are listed in descending order of importance: (1) Exp erie nce and pastperformance of the prime contractor on similar projects. This factor considers the quality of the offerors past performance in carrying out w ork of a similar nature with references to timeliness, cooperation, technical su ccess and completion within budget. (2) Experience, past perfo rmance and quali fications of key personnel (on-site superintendent and project manager). This f actor considers the achievements or excellence accomplished on similar projects by the key personnel within the last five years as well as related education and training. If the experience was obtained by key personnel while in the employm ent of another firm, identify the firm and a representative by name, address and current telephone number (3) Technical approach to design-build delivery and e xperience and past performance on similar projects utilizing design-build. This factor consid ers the success in areas of technical quality, delivery, timeline ss and budget maintenance. The offerors will be required to submit their technical capabilities, experience and references for Stage One by answering the foll o wing questionnaire: (1) List five similar projects that your firm has performe d over the last five years. All five projects must be submitted in the followin g format: Project title and contract number; Name of person representing the ow ner that is most familiar with the project and current telephone number; Descrip tion of project; Contract period; Size in square footage of the project; Descrip tion of work performed directly by your firm Original construction award amount; Completion construction amount; Number of owner initiated change orders; Number of contractor initiated change ord ers; Planned construction completion date; A ctual construction completion date; Amount of Liquidated Damages assessed; Name of project manager. (2) (A) List the key personnel and each person's education, training and experi ence and describe the duties of the key personnel in the fol lowing format: Name of key personnel and title; Education/Certificates/licenses; Experienc e; Duties; Amount of time the individual will be dedicated to this pr oject; Does this individual have signature authority for the contractor and rest ri ctions, if any. (B) List three similar projects that each key personnel has managed over the last five years. All three projects must be submitted in the f ollowing format: Project title and contract number; Contract perio d; Size of t he project in SF; Name of person representing the owner that is most familiar wi th the project and the current telephone number; Descriptio n of the project; Co mpleted construction amount; Amount of liquidated damag es assessed, if any. (3 ) Technical approach to design-build delivery. (A) The design-build team will be arranged: (Describe to include lines of repor ting, responsibilities of each te am member and responsibilities for primary individuals included in the team. De scribe a plan for executing a design concept.) The response to factor number (3 ) (A) should be no more than four pages8-1/2"x11" paper, printed one side. (B) List three design-build projects that have been performed over the last five yea rs. All three projects must be submitted in the following format: Project title and contr act number; Name of person representing the owner that is most famili ar wit h the project and current telephone number; description of the project. R esponses to the above questions are extremely important because although price w ill be a factor, the lowest price may not receive the award as the award will be to the firm offering the greatest value to the Government. The technical submit tal (Stage One) should be received at the following address by 3:00 p.m. CST on February 25, 1997. The envelope should be mark ed with Solicitation No. GS-07P- 97-HUD-0020 and labeled Technical Proposal. and sent to: General Services Admini stration (7PMCA), Attn: Judy Tidwell, 819 Taylor Street, Rm. 12A26, Ft. Worth, T X 76102-6105. Contact Point: Judy Tidwell (817)978-7087. (0021)

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