Loren Data Corp.




International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, United States Section, The Commons, Building C, Suite 310, 4171 North Mesa Street, El Paso, TX 79902-1441

Y -- FLOW EQUALIZATION FACILITIES (CC-2C) FOR THE SOUTH BAY INTERNATIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT, SAN DIEGO, SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CA SOL IFB 97-02 DUE 021097 POC Mary Nichols, (915) 534-6682. Pre-Solicitation Notice. The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, equipment, and supervision necessary for construction of structures and piping on the advanced primary wastewater treatment plant site, located in southern San Diego County, California, near the intersection of Monument and Dairy Mart Roads. Major contract components include: 5.5 million gallon earthen basin with impermeable (high density polyethylene) liner, 30-inch and 48-inch diameter influent and effluent lines, non-potable water washdown system (including pumps), leak detection systems, and associated valving, metering and small concrete structures. A noise restriction of 60dBA will be in effect between February 1 and September 25 due to the nesting period of the California Gnatcatcher and the Least Bell's Vireo. A firm fixed price contract will be awarded. The estimated range of construction is between $1,000,000.00 to $5,000,000.00. Tentative dates for issuing and opening IFB 97-02 are February 10, 1997, and March 11, 1997, respectively. Contract performance period is scheduled at 180 calendar days after issuance of Notice to Proceed. Plans will be available for inspection at the International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. Section, 4171 North Mesa Street, Building C, Suite 206, El Paso, TX 79902-1441. Copies of the bid package are available for a $55.00 nonrefundable charge payable to the "IBWC/US Section." All requests for bid documents must be in writing; no telephone or facsimile requests will be accepted. Requests for the bid documents must be sent to the preceding address, ATTN: Mary Nichols (IFB 97-02), and must be received by February 7, 1997, in order to ensure availability of bid documents. Limited copies will be available after that date and will be issued on a first-come first-serve basis. This requirement is a 100% set-aside for small business concerns. The applicable SIC code for this procurement is 1629. The applicable small business size standard, including affiliates, in no more than $17 million averageannual gross revenue for the previous three years. (0024)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0120 19970128\Y-0024.SOL)

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