COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF FEBRUARY 7,1997 PSA#1778Contracts Management Branch, NICHD, National Institutes of Health,
Executive Building, Suite 7A07, 6100 EXECUTIVE BLVD MSC 7510, BETHESDA
NICHD SOL RFP NICHD-IRB-97-03 DUE 031497 POC Contact Miss Virginia A.
DeSeau, 301-496-4611, Contract Specialist The National Institute of
Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) is planning to award a
contract for the provision of services in support of the Perinatology
Research Branch (PRB) of the Intramural Division of the NICHD.
BACKGROUND: The mission of the PRB, as a part of the Intramural
Division of the NICHD, is to conduct clinical and laboratory research
in maternal, fetal and neonatal diseases responsible for perinatal
morbidity and mortality. The PRB emphasizes a multi-disciplinary
approach to improve the etiologic understanding, diagnosis, treatment
and prevention of disorders related to infant mortality. The PRB will
conduct original research and train specialists in Maternal-Fetal
Medicine, Neonatology, Pediatric Pathology and other related fields.
The NICHD, through the PRB, will have complete authority and
jurisdiction for the development, direction and accomplishment of the
scientific agenda, research priorities and training missions. SCOPE OF
SERVICES REQUIRED UNDER THE CONTRACT: The scope of these services is
broad and includes the following: 1) Provision of dedicated space to
house the PRB. The contractor shall provide and renovate space (either
its own or other dedicated areas) for use of the PRB personnel
(scientists and supporting personnel) and contractor personnel. A
minimum of approximately 20,000 square feet of space will be required
to be phased in over a five year period; within six months of the
contract award, approximately 12,000 square feet of space, with
renovations, must be available to initiate contract performance.
Renovated space shall include office and administrative space, a
Prenatal Diagnostic Center and laboratory space, plus separate
Intrapartum Units in close proximity to the contractor's labor and
delivery floor. The Government shall provide substantially all of the
office furniture, computer equipment and laboratory/scientific
equipment needed for contract performance, with title to such remaining
with the Government; 2) Access to sufficient pregnant patients and
newborns for the execution of the research agendas of the PRB and for
training NICHD clinical fellows in maternal-fetal medicine,
neonatology, pediatric pathology, human genetics and perinatal
epidemiology. Approximately 2,000 deliveries per year are required (see
Contractor Expectations below); 3) Support services required to operate
the PRB, e.g., housekeeping, environmental (utilities),
telecommunications, computing, database management, security, medical
library, project and administration management, secretarial, etc.; 4)
Professional services required to execute specific research agendas of
the PRB, e.g., maternal-fetal medicine specialists, neonatologists,
pathologists, developmental psychologists, nurses, sonographers,
database development specialists, computer hardware and software
specialists, programmers, histology technicians, pathology assistants,
medical technologists, laboratory technicians, audio-visual
specialists, graphic artists, etc. These services shall be required
through work assignment/task orders or on a fee for services basis as
necessary; and, 5) Access to an approved animal care facility and
support services for the development of animal models of maternal and
fetal diseases as required for the execution of research agendas of the
PRB. The initial period of performance is anticipated to be five years.
CONTRACTOR EXPECTATIONS: A service-type contract will be awarded to
support the PRB, which will be located in dedicated facilities
available from the contractor for the specific purposes of this
contract. The successful contractor shall meet the following
requirements: 1) Is an organization that has the academic, clinical and
scientific environment required to attract qualified clinical and basic
research trainees and staff along with services necessary for the
support of clinical and laboratory research conducted by the PRB; 2) Is
located within one hour driving distance from the campus of the
National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland; 3) Has the ability
and willingness to provideaccess to a large obstetric population
(approximately 2,000 deliveries per year) for recruiting an at-risk
population (approximately 30 percent high-risk) during pregnancy and
that will support the conduct of longitudinal studies for the follow-up
of the neonates. The contractor shall provide support for research
programs encompassing randomized clinical trials of labor management,
prenatal diagnosis, perinatal cardiology, fetal endoscopic diagnosis
and surgery, and developmental and molecular embryology; 4) Has a level
III Newborn Special Care Unit; 5) Has the clinical population and
expertise to support successful applications to the appropriate
sub-specialty Boards for an additional two fellows per year in
Maternal-Fetal Medicine, one per year in Neonatology, and one per year
in Pediatric Pathology; 6) has an AAALAC accredited animal care
facility; and, 7) has the ability to provide an informatics unit and
programs in perinatal epidemiology, e.g., biostatisticians, data
managers, programmers, etc. This announcement is a new solicitation. It
is anticipated that one cost-reimbursement, service contract will be
awarded for a period of five (5) years. The issuance of this RFP
NICHD-IRB-97-03 will be on or about March 14, 1997 and proposals will
be due by 4:00 PM on May 30, 1997. This solicitation will be provided
in two formats: the boilerplate information of the Request for Proposal
(RFP) will be provided in hard copy while the Statement of Work and
other selected information will be provided on 3 1/2 inch discs in
WordPerfect 6.1 (WordPerfect 5.1 may be provided by request). The discs
including the Statement of Work and other appropriate information
(e.g., background information and technical evaluation criteria) will
be provided on initial request, which will enable the determination of
whether your organization has the interest, capability and resources
to devote to the preparation of an offer to the Government for the
performance of a contract if selected for an award. This information
should be sufficient for this determination without the need of all of
the boilerplate information, which includes the Uniform Contract
Format prescribed for Government-wide applications and specific
instructions and provisions for the submission and review of proposals.
The boilerplate information will be provided only upon specific
request. Those organization desiring a copy of the above RFP may send
their written request to Ms. Virginia A. DeSeau at the address listed
above, by fax at (301) 402-3676 or by e-mail at
deseaug@hd01.nichd.nih.gov. All requests must cite the RFP number
above. All sources who consider themselves qualified are encouraged to
submit proposals. (0036) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0058 19970207\R-0002.SOL)
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