Loren Data Corp.




GSA Property Mgmt. Center Contracts Br.,Atrium West, Suite 121,7771 West Oak land Pk Blvd,Sunrise,FL 33351

Z -- TERM CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT SOL GS-04P-97-LCD-0005 DUE 043097 POC Contact,Gerald Pimental,954/356-7686,Contracting Officer,Pamela D. Kelley,9 54/356-7685 The General Services Administration, Property Management Center, is issuing a Presolicitation Notice to our bidders for an Indefinite Quantity Multiple Awa rd Construction Contract. Provide all labor, material, supervision and equipmen t necessary for general repairs and alteration to Government owned and leased fa cilities from Ft. Pierce Florida, to Key West, Florida. This will be an Indefin ite Quanitity Construction Contract(s) with the ability to perform associated de sign services for construction projects ranging from approximately $2,000.00 to $1.6 million dollars. The estimated cost of construction for a given year under this contract is approximately $3.0 million. Offers will be evaluated using th e source selection procedures/greatest value method outlined in the solicitation . The Government may make multiple awards and estimates to make three under the subject solicitaiton. Individual delivery orders exceeding $2,000. may be comp eted amoung the selected firms under the contract unless theGovernment deems ot herwise on an individual task order basis. The contracts will be for a one year base period with four (4) one year unilateral options on the part of the Govern ment. The requirement is being solicited through full and open competition. SI C Code 1542. This procurement is being made under the Small Business Competitiv eness Demonstration Program. Responses should be mailed, no phone requests. The specifications will be available on or about 5/16/97. There will be no public opening of offers. (0036)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0140 19970207\Z-0035.SOL)

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