Loren Data Corp.




Dept of Justice, Fed Prison Industries, 320 1st Street NW -- Material Mgt Branch, Washington, DC 20534-0001

83 -- TEXTILE DISTRIBUTION SERVICE DUE 022097 POC Millie Clark, 202-305-7270 UNICOR, Federal Prison Industries, Inc. is seeking sources for a Textile for a Textile Distribution Service for Federal Correctional Institution at Bryan, Texas. A Partnership Agreement is anticipated. A pre-bid conference will be scheduled after responses received and all who respond will be invited to the conference. Federal Prison Industries is seeking distribution services for its correctional work clothing on a nationwide basis. Distributors will be required to purhase listed items at set prices and sell to Federal prison staff in accordance with a set price schedule. Clothing must be sold only to Bureau of Prison's to include UNICOR employees. A pre-award survey of the distribution facility will be required. Delivery orders must be filled within three working days and delivery to the employees no longer than 10 calendar days. The UNICOR items will be furnished with the appropriate Federal Prison system embroidery. Sales literature must be subject to UNICOR approval. Items sold to include Men/Women short/long sleeve dress shirt; Men/Women dress trousers; Men/Women short/long sleeve nickel grey shirt; Women's long/short sleeve maternity shirt/trouser; Women's skirt. Please send to Millie Clark, Contracting Officer, Federal Prison Industries, Material Management Branch, 320 First St., NW, Washington, DC 20534. Fax responses can be sent to 202/305-7363/7365. Phone inquiries at 202/305-7270. Please respond by 2/20/97. (0038)

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