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Office of Contract Management, USAID/Indonesia, Box 4 Unit 8135, APO AP 965-8135

R -- HIV/AIDS PREVENTION PROJECT 497-0380 SOL SOLICITATION NO. 497-P-97-004 DUE 040897 POC Contact Point: Sharon Cromer, Contracting Officer, USAID/Indonesia, Tel. 62-21-3442211 Ext. 2490 Or Fax No. 62-21-380-6694. (A) The United States Agency for International Development Mission to Indonesia(USAID/I), in cooperation with the Government of Indonesia (GOI) Ministry of Health's, HIV/AIDS Prevention Project (HAPP), invites qualified institutions to submit proposals to accomplish performance objectives under a performance based, cost plus award fee contract. The abbreviated contract performance objectives include: 1. Results Package indicator: adoption of risk reduction strategies (condom use and seeking STD medical care). Contract Performance Objectives: By year 1999: (a) increase percentage of commercial sex workers' (CSW) reported use of condoms with last client to 65 percent by year 1999, (b) increase percentage to 85 percent of CSWs' who seek medical care for last std symptom/diseases in the past year, and (c) a 65 percent increase in condoms distributed and/or sold annually, 2. Results Package indicator: people at high risk diagnosed and treated in std clinics. Contract Performance Objectives: By year 1999, (a) increase the proportion of those at risk of STDs who are served at HAPP participating clinics according to standard STD diagnosis and treatment protocol to ratio of a 70 percent, (b) train health providers and equip at least 45 health facilities to provide STD services to male and female CSWs, and (c) upgrade at least 5 public hospitals, 20 primary health centers (Puskesmas) and 20 private facilities to pro- vide STD services, 3. Results Package indicator: knowledge of prevention practices. Contract Performance Objective: By year 1999 increase to 85 percent those at risk who are exposed to information, education and communication campaigns and able to correctly identify two ways to prevent HIV/AIDS, 4. Results Package indicator: people receiving std/aids counselling. Contract Performance Objective: By year 1999 increase proportion of people receiving STD/AIDS counselling to 40 percent, and 5. Strategic Objective indicator: STD prevalence rate. Contract Performance Objective: By year 1999 a decrease of STD prevalence rate among CSWs to 20 percent. (B) Offerors must subcontract no less than US$138,000 to disadvantaged businesses: this amount represents 10% of the fiscal year 1995 funds anticipated to be used under this procurement. Additional funding, under this procurement, will be provided from fiscal years 1996 and 1997 appropriations which do not require minimum subcontracting amounts for disadvantaged entities. Despite the fact that no minimum subcontracting requirement for disadvantaged entities exists, offerors are encouraged to subcontract with disadvantaged enterprises (including historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), colleges and universities having a student body of more than 40% Hispanic Americans, private voluntary organizations controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals and women and minority owned businesses) to the maximum extent possible. Also note that in accordance with FAR 19.702, offerors are required to submit a subcontracting plan for small businesses. Offerors are encouraged to seek and include small businesses that are also women-owned or socially and economically disadvantaged in their plans. (C) This CBD notice can be viewed and downloaded using the Agency gopher. The RFP will also be available on the Agency gopher. The gopher address is GOPHER.INFO.USAID.GOV. Select USAID Procurement and Business Opportunities from the gopher menu. The RFP text can be downloaded via Anonymous File Transfer Protocol (FTP). The FTP address is FTP.INFO.USAID.GOV. Logon using the user identification of "anonymous" and the password is your e-mail address. Look under the following directory for the RFP: pub/OP/RFP/INDO9704/indo9704.rfp. Receipt of the RFP through internet must be confirmed by written notification to the contact person noted above. It is the responsibility of the recipient of this solicitation document to ensure that it has been received from the internet in its entirety and USAID bears no responsibility for data errors resulting from transmission or conversion processes. The solicitation will also be available in hardcopy by writing or faxing the request to Sharon Cromer, Contracting Officer, Box 4, Unit 8135 APO AP 96520-8135, Fax No. 62.21.3806694. Hardcopies will be mailed and may take several days to receive. (0042)

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