Loren Data Corp.




EFA Chesapeake, Washington Navy Yard, Building 212, 901 M Street, S.E., Washington, DC 20374-5018

Z -- MULTIPLE AWARD 8(A)TASK ORDER CONTRACT FOR VARIOUS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES AT THE ENGINEERING FIELD ACTIVITY CHESAPEAKE SOL N62477-97-D-0054 DUE 041597 POC Contracting Officer: Alyson Harbage (202)685-3222 WEB: EFA Chesapeake Homepage, www.efdlant.navfac.navy.mil/efaches.htm. E-MAIL: Alyson Harbage, Contracting Officer, alharbage@efaches.navfac.navy.mil. This procurement may result in award(s) of multiple indefinite quantity task order contract(s) which shall provide for the accomplishment of individual orders of various construction projects for the Engineering Field Activity Chesapeake and its customers. Orders will be awarded under this contract considering such factors as past performance, quality of deliverables, ability to meet schedule requirements, relevant experience, cost control and cost or price. A minimum of $100,000 is guaranteed to each awardee. The scope of orders under the contract(s) is between $100,000 and $l million. The basic contract period shall be for twelve months with options not to exceed 36 months, The maximum allowable work to be ordered under each twelve month period is $10 million for a total not to exceed $30 million. This is a competitive negotiation requiring the submission of technical proposals. Award(s) will be made considering such criteria as cost/price, past performance and the following technical factors: relevant experience, past performance, management plan, subcontractor management capabilities and bonding capability. The solicitation will be issued on 12 March 1997. The date scheduled for receipt of proposals is 15 April 1997. A preproposal conferences will be held with dates to be determined. Request for the solicitation package should be directed to the above addresss, attention Plans and Specifications Office. This procurement is restricted to Small Business Administration certified 8(a) contractors serviced by the Washington District office, Baltimore District office and Richmond District Office. All other firms are deemed ineligible to submit offers. (0049)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0164 19970220\Z-0018.SOL)

Z - Maintenance, Repair or Alteration of Real Property Index Page