Loren Data Corp.




NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 219, Greenbelt, MD 20771

A -- PROVIDE MATHEMATICAL MODELING & ANALYSIS, COMPUTER SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT & MAINTENANCE, SIMULATION STUDIES, DATA COLLECTION & ARCHIVING, AND DATA ANALYSIS IN THE AREAS OF GEOPHYSICS AND GEODYNAMICS. SOL RFO5-61797-253 DUE 031197 POC Julie Hostetler, Contract Specialist, Phone (301)286-9285, Fax (301)286-1739, Email Julie.K.Hostetler.1@gsfc.nasa.gov WEB: Click here for the latest information about this notice, http://procurement.nasa.gov/EPS/GSFC/date.html#RFO5-61797-253. E-MAIL: Julie Hostetler, Julie.K.Hostetler.1@gsfc.nasa.gov. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) plans to issue a Request for Offer (RFO)5-61797/253 on a sole source basis to Hughes ST Systems (STX) Corporation. This procurement will extend the period of performance under Contract NAS5-31760 for an additional 18 months beyond the current end date of the contract (7/10/97). Some tasks under this contract will be extended for shorter periods of time. This extension is required to: 1. Meet critical milestones within the Laboratory for Terrestrial Physics; and 2. Consolidate the efforts with similar requirements within the Earth Sciences Directorate, which will be competed in 1997-1998 and awarded by April 1998, October 1998, and January 1999. Under Contract NAS5-31760, the Contractor provides on-site and off-site support to the Laboratory for Terrestrial Physics whose function is to advance NASA programs by promoting the increase in scientific knowledge of the Earth and planetary solid-body physics. The Contractor provides support in mathematical modeling and analysis, computer software development and maintenance, simulation studies, data collection and archiving, and data analysis in the areas of geodynamics and geophysics. This contract is being extended to meet the following critical milestones: a) In-flight calibration of the magnetometer and production of a joint main field model for the Launch of the Oersted (8/97); b) Phase II global gravity field model development as a joint effort between GSFC and DOD (1/98); c) software for the launch of the Shuttle Laser Altimeter-2 (7/97); d) calibration of altimetery data from TOPEX and Geosat Follow-on Launches (7/97) and the analysis of the post-launch data (1/99); and e) conversion of hardware and software from VAX VMS environment to a UNIX platform (3/98). Hughes STX is the only company with the specialized experience required to successfully complete the above milestones and provide post-launch support services. Statutory authority for this sole source procurement is 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1) -- Only One Responsible Source. However, companies who believe they can provide these services without any detrimental impact to the program schedules supported by this work, should fully identify their interest and capabilities within 15 days after publication of this synopsis. See Number Note(s): 22. Interested firms have 15 days from publication on the NAIS (or Commerce Business Daily (CBD) if over $500K) to submit their qualifications/capabilities. Such qualifications/capabilities will be used solely for the purpose of determining whether or not to conduct this procurement on a competitive basis. Responses received after 15 days without the required information will be considered nonresponsive to the synopsis and will not be considered. A determination by the Government not to compete this proposed contract, on a full and open competitive basis, based upon responses to this notice, is solely within the discretion of the Government. Any referenced numbered notes can be viewed at the following URL: http://genesis.gsfc.nasa.gov/nnotes.htm. (0055)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0008 19970226\A-0008.SOL)

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