Loren Data Corp.




USCG, CEU Providence, 300 Metro Center Blvd, Warwick, RI 02886

Z -- SEPTIC SYSTEM REPAIRS, USCG STATION MONTAUK, NY SOL DTCGG1-97-B-3WK130 DUE 042297 POC Contract Specialist, Mrs. Jean Bretz, (401) 736-1765 Provide all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, supervision and disposal necessary to remove approx 1,055 sq yds of asphalt, 4 ea -- 90 ft long plastic leaching chambers, and 2 ea -- 2,000 gal septic tanks; and construct 8 ea -- 80 ft long leaching trenches, and install a new septic tank, grease trap, pump chambers, and construct approx 1,100 sq yds asphalt parking area over the septic system, and perform related incidental work at the USCG Station Montauk, NY (Suffolk County). Estimated cost range between $100,000 -- $250,000. SIC code is 1623. Performance time is 90 days from receipt of NTP. Plans and specs available by WRITTEN REQUEST ONLY, to above address, with a $20 non-refundable fee (check payable to USCG). Solicitation packages available on or about 03/20/1997, with bid opening on or about 04/22/97. Project issued pursuant to Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program, and is UNRESTRICTED. (0055)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0157 19970226\Z-0015.SOL)

Z - Maintenance, Repair or Alteration of Real Property Index Page