Loren Data Corp.




U.S. Postal Service, Kansas City Facilities Service Office, 6800 W. 64th St., Suite 100, Overland Park, KS 66202-4179

Z -- IQC-ELECTRICAL/MECHANICAL FOR CENTRAL PLAINS DISTRICT SOL 193045-97-A-0041 DUE 041197 POC LINDA HOEFER, KANSAS CITY FACILITIES SERVICE OFFFICE, 913/831-1855 Ext 704. Electrical and Mechanical Repair, Replacement and Alteration (Maintenance) of Postal Facilities. This will be an Indefinite Quantity Construction Contract (IQC-C) for electrical and mechanical repair, replacement and alteration (maintenance) of Postal Facilities in the primary area of Kansas (664-666, and 668-679), Nebraska, and Iowa (515, 516). If it is in the best interest of the Postal Service and agreeable to the contractor(s), the resulting contract(s) may be extended, by supplemental agreement, to include other areas. The contract will be for a two year period. The total value of work orders may not exceed $3,000,000.00 over the life of the contract with a minimum of $10,000.00. No single work order may exceed $250,000.00 and a different work order may be issued to specify the kind and quantity of work to be performed for each project. Multiple awards may be made from this solicitation. Submit technical qualifications price proposals as instructed in the solicitation. Both the technical and priceproposal envelope MUST have the company name, contact person, full address (including the correct ZIP+4), solicitation number and telephone number of contact person. Indicate on the envelope either technical price proposal is enclosed. Your ZIP+4 may be obtained from your local post office. Offerors should not submit more than one proposal. The offeror's price proposal is a multiplier factor that is applied to a unit price schedule supplied in the solicitation. Evaluation factors are listed in descending order of importance 1) Experience (repair, maintenance, and installation of mechanical and electrical systems for commercial facilities to include plumbing, heating and air conditioning (HVAC), lighting and energy management systems 2) Capability/staffing/resources 3) Quantity of project work performed with contractor's permanent employees 4) Financial and bonding strength 5) MBE/WOB participation. Offerors must be, or have a working relationship with a sub-contractor who is, asbestos certified. Offerors must be licensed by at least three different roof system manufacturers. The contracting officer reserves the right to negotiate with any technically acceptable offeror, to reject any and all proposals, and to enter into a contract with negotiations. Therefore, each offeror responding to the Request for Proposal should initially submit its best offer. Any or all awards will be made to the responsible offeror(s) whose technical proposal is within the established technical competitive range and whose price proposal is acceptable to the U S Postal Service. Estimated that $300,000.00 will be charged against this contract. This does not obligate the U S Postal Service, it is only an estimate designed to help contractors in making an offer. Performance and Payment Bonds, Certificate of Insurance of Public and Automobile Liability Insurance, Workers' Compensation, and Employers Liability Insurance is required before award of the successful offeror. Bonding will be changed in increments of 100K with amounts to be determined by the contracting officer at time of award and as additional bonding is required. Successful offeror(s) will be required to submit a sub-contractor minority report each Postal quarter for each work order. Solicitation Package: Solicitation packages will be available on or about 3/14/97. To order a solicitation package, non-refundable fee, write or call Jorji at Kelly Blueprint, 8877 W 75th St, Overland Park KS 66204-2275, telephone 913/341-2333. Plan rooms/builders exchanges, contractors and subcontractors may receive the planholders list by requesting same from Kelly Blueprint. The U S Postal Service does not hold public bid openings nor does it accept individual sureties. Offerors are encouraged to submit their proposal by one of the methods offered by the U.S. Postal Service: First Class, Priority, or Express Mail. Planhouses: The solicitation package will be available for viewing at your nearest Dodge Reports, Construction Market Data, and Construction Update Plan Room offices. (0055)

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Z - Maintenance, Repair or Alteration of Real Property Index Page