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This superstructure procurement is scheduled to be awarded in May, 1997, wit h on site construction starting September, 1997, and overall project completion scheduled for June, 1999. One superstructure construction contract will be awar ded based on Technical Evaluation Factors and Base plus Evaluat

Y -- NEW USSS HQ BLDG. SUPERSTRUCTURE SOL GS-11P-97-MKC-0013 DUE 041697 POC Contact,Michele Mailhot or Ron Noll,202/708-8517,Contracting Officer,Joy A. Walker,202/ 708-8517 The General Services Administration (GSA) hereby notifies of intent to issu e a Request for Proposal (RFP) in a negotiated procurement for the Construction of the U.S. Secret Service Headquarters Superstructure. Construction is for the superstructure construction to house the United States Secret Service (USSS) at 930 H Street NW, Washington, DC. The construction is for a nine (9) story buil ding over one (1) level of below grade occupied space and four levels of below g rade parking. Overall, the building will have 365,233 occupiable square feet (3 3,944 osm) with a total 662,500 gross square feet (61,565 gsm). Unique features of the project include incorporating an existing historic structure into the ne w facility, a ten (10) story atrium and state-of-the-art physical security. The project will be constructed in two (2) phases, consisting of foundations and be low grade structures by a current construction contract and the remainder of the superstructure in this construction procurement. A construction contract for t he foundation phase was awarded to Clark Construction Group on July 10, 1996. W ork started on August 1, 1996, and is scheduled to be completed in September 199 (0056)

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