Loren Data Corp.




National Transit Institute, 120 Albany Street, Suite 705; New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901

U -- FORECASTING TRAVEL DEMAND FOR TRANSIT AND HOV: DEVELOP AND DELIVER A SHORT TRAINING COURSE SOL NTI IDT 96 MM-20 DUE 041597 POC Point of Contact -- Amy Van Doren, Program Manager, 908-932-1700 x21; Fax: 908-932-1707 This request for proposals is to develop and deliver a short training course on Forecasting Travel Demand for Transit and High Occupancy Vehicles. The proposed course will include a review of current practice and state-of-the-art methods in transit and HOV forecasting and related technical areas and will teach basic multimodal concepts and principles of good practice. The course will help to instigate and support modeling efforts that function at a level that is state-of-the-practice and will advance understanding of the capabilities and limitations of available data and procedures. It will also assist managers in devoting appropriate staff, resources, and training in this area. The target audience for the course is modelers, and managers of projects with multimodal demand forecasting components, who have a basic understanding of the traditional 4-step demand forecasting process. The contract will require a list of materials, including annotated bibliography, course outline, case studies, curriculum and all course materials, including a participant resource manual, presentation of a pilot session, and up to eight (8) deliveries of the course nationwide. This will be a two-year contract (up to 5 deliveries) with the option to renew for an additional year (up to 3 deliveries). To obtain a copy of the complete RFP, send a written request on organization letterhead to the address above. Faxed requests will be accepted; telephone requests are not acceptable. Note that the individual requesting a copy of the RFP and submitting the proposal must be the same person. RFPs will be mailed first class in early March. RFPs will not be faxed or express mailed. Requests for copies of the RFP will be honored until April 3. Small businesses, minority-owned businesses, and/or female-owned businesses are encouraged to submit proposals. (0057)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0112 19970228\U-0002.SOL)

U - Education and Training Services Index Page