COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF MARCH 3,1997 PSA#1793Defense Special Weapons Agency, 6801 Telegraph Rd., Alexandria, VA
POC Thomas Cox, Negotiator, (703) 325-1196, Scott G. Morton,
Contracting Officer, (703) 325-1200. Defense Special Weapons Agency
II -- The Defense Special Weapons Agency (DSWA) is soliciting proposals
for its 1997 Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), DSWA001-BAA01-97. (Note
that DSWA will issue only one BAA this fiscal year.) Proposed research
must investigate innovative approaches and techniques that lead to
advances in the state of the art. PROPOSALS: Two forms of proposal will
be accepted: (1) Quick-Looks and (2) Formal Proposals. Quick-Looks are
limited to 5 pages and are intended to minimize unnecessary effort in
proposal preparation on the part of an offeror whose proposed work is
not of interest under the BAA. DSWA intends to respond to Quick-Looks
within 30 days of receipt. Formal Proposals provide the full detail
required to make final award decisions. A Quick-Look is encouraged
prior to submission of any Formal Proposal (in any topic area) BUT IS
NOT REQUIRED. Favorable review of the Quick-Look will in no way
guarantee an award if a Formal Proposal is submitted. ALL PROPOSALS
must address a specific technical topic and Subtopic area. If a
proposal is to be considered under more than one topic area, a complete
set of proposals must be submitted for each topic area. POINT OF
including ALL proposals, must be directed to Defense Special Weapons
Agency, ATTN: Thomas L. Cox/AMB, 6801 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, VA
22310-3398. Questions may be directed to Mr. Cox at (703) 325-1196 or
facsimile (703) 325-9295. FAR 3.104-2 implements Section 27 of the
Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act (41 U.S.C. 423)(OFPP Act) as
amended by Section 814 of Public Law 101-89 which became effective 1
DEC 1990. Commonly referred to as "Procurement Integrity," this act
prohibits certain activities by competing contractors and government
procurement officials during the conduct of a Federal Agency
Procurement. In accordance with FAR 3.104-4(c)(3), this procurement
shall be deemed to have begun upon the date of this announcement and
shall end upon the award of a contract incident to each proposal or the
written rejection of each specific proposal. SUBMITTING QUICK-LOOKS:
Quick-Looks must be submitted in 3 copies and received by 1200 hours at
DSWA on 31 March 1997. Classified submissions will NOT be accepted.
Quick-Looks are limited to an absolute maximum of 5 pages of technical
discussion. An additional one page is permitted for use as the cover
page (or may be omitted if transmittal letter is used) but must contain
only information requested in Section A below (no technical
discussion). Attachments are NOT permitted. Quick-Looks must contain
the following elements IN THE ORDER GIVEN: A) cover page including the
following: BAA number, topic area (by letter), Subtopic area, proposal
title, and technical and administrative points of contact along with
complete address, telephone and facsimile numbers (if available), B)
description of the technical approach and objectives to be achieved, C)
description of the unique and innovative characteristics of the
approach proposed including comparison with on-going research, if any,
D) qualifications of key personnel to be committed to the project, E)
rough order of magnitude (ROM) estimate of the total costs. SUBMITTING
FORMAL PROPOSALS: Formal Proposals must be submitted in 5 copies and
received by 1330 hours DSWA local time on 31 May 1997. Classified
submissions WILL be accepted. Proposals are not limited in number of
pages but extraneous, repetitious or wordy submissions may result in
lower ratings. Formal Proposals must include the information provided
in the Quick-Looks, though generally in greater detail, plus the
following ADDITIONAL information in the identified sections: A) date of
submission of Quick-Look (if one was submitted), E) cost breakdown,
including SF1411 and DD1861 (if applicable), providing all pricing
rates used and equipment and materials listings (if applicable). Also
include the following: F) clear Statement of Work (SOW) citing specific
tasks and contractor requirements. Section G) may be included to
provide other information including: proprietary claims, use of
government facilities, and bibliography. Use of separate volumes for
technical and cost data is acceptable but not required. Cost proposals
should utilize separately-priced options whenever reasonable.
Subcontractor proposals (if applicable), including pricing rate detail,
should be provided concurrent with the prime contractor's submission.
EVALUATION CRITERIA: Evaluations are conducted by DSWA technical
personnel expert in each topic area under which each proposal is
submitted. Each Quick-Look will be reviewed to determine if it 1)
appears to be unique and innovative, 2) falls within the scope of the
BAA, 3) is of sufficient interest to DSWA to warrant a Formal Proposal,
and 4) has a realistic chance of being funded given budget constraints.
Formal Proposals will be selected for award by a formal
technical/business decision process and each will be evaluated on its
own merit without regard to other proposals submitted under this
announcement. Evaluation of proposals will be conducted in accordance
with the following criteria, listed in descending order of importance:
1) degree of innovation and creativity, 2) applicability to current
and future problems in the proposed technical area, 3) qualifications
of the principal investigator and key staff personnel, 4) understanding
of the problem, and 5) organization and clarity of the proposal. The
merit of the technical proposal will also be evaluated in relation to
the value and realism of the costs proposed and availability of funds.
CONTRACT AWARDS: DSWA anticipates making the first contract award in
the Second quarter 1997, though no minimum or maximum number of awards
can be guaranteed. Contracts to be awarded will generally be
cost-plus-fixed-fee (CPFF) completion type contracts. Contracts less
than $100,000 may be awarded firm-fixed-price (FFP) based on the degree
of technical risk. DSWA anticipates the average proposal to be priced
$100,000 to $300,000 and to be performed in 6 to 18 months. Note that
awards are to achieve the specific technical objectives, not to provide
sustaining research funds for a funding period, the period proposed
should be driven by how long is expected to achieve the technical
objective. NO LIMITS or other anticipated averages have been developed,
especially with regard to: level of funding by year, directorate or
topic area, level of effort, number of awards, awards by business type,
or number of proposals submitted by a given firm (though "shots in the
dark" are NOT encouraged). Bidders may propose any combination of
teaming or subcontracting arrangements. Proposals requiring substantial
performance by a Federally Funded Research and Development Center
(FFRDC) CANNOT be considered under the BAA. Contractors may include
DSWA-furnished CRAY computer usage time in proposals and may utilize
Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) and DoD Nuclear Information
Analysis Center (DASIAC) resources in proposal preparation. This CBD
notice itself constitutes the Broad Agency Announcement as contemplated
in FAR 6.102(d)(2). No preproposal conference is to be held. No
additional information, Request for Proposal (RFP) or other
solicitation is available. Information that becomes available and is of
general interest to all potential bidders will be released in future
CBD issues. DSWA reserves the right to select for award all, some or
none of the proposals received in response to this announcement.
Continued in PART II. PART II OF II. AREA A -- Warfighter Support --
Information Warfare Superiority and Counterforce -- The Defense Special
Weapons Agency requests analytical and technical support on offensive
application of strategic and operational information warfare in the
weapons of mass destruction arena. This program will focus on
developing, applying, and maintaining information superiority during
hostilities and denying an adversary from doing the same. AREA B --
Nuclear Operations -- Weapon System Safety Assessments -- DSWA seeks
new and innovative concepts to improve on probabilistic risk assessment
techniques, models, and methodologies. Abnormal environments that may
be encountered by weapon systems include mechanical, thermal, and
electrical insults, and combinations of these environments. Concepts
should make use of new and emerging technologies. AREA C -- Physical
Security Equipment -- Defense Special Weapons Agency is looking for new
and innovative solutions to physical security needs in the areas of
delay or denial devices, advanced sensors, mobile platforms (robotics),
advanced storage or transport concepts, or waterside security
techniques. Funding and project approval will be provided by the DoD
Physical Security Equipment Action Group (PSEAG). Any proposal received
will be coordinated with the appropriate Services for sponsorship and
agreement to transition the program into the Services Advanced
Engineering Development Program. AREA D -- Simulation Testing --
Transportable X-ray Pulser -- Conduct feasibility study for a small
transportable hi-fidelity x-ray pulser suitable for
operability/performance evaluations at system developers' manufacturing
plants. The objective is to identify potential industrial demand for
and the technical approach for developing a high fidelity transportable
x-ray pulsar as well as any barriers to implementation by users. AREA
E -- System Testing -- -Materials and Optics -- Data is available from
underground nuclear weapons effects tests and above ground radiation
test facilities on the performance of optical materials (baffles,
windows, lens, filters, and mirrors) as a function of different
radiation exposure conditions. Correlations between data from different
tests have been extremely limited. New correlation methods that are
based on a better understanding of material properties to include
manufacturing produced conditions (such as stress or strain) are
required. Identification of the important material properties, as well
as the appropriate measurement techniques, is also necessary. The
ultimate goal is to develop test validation methodologies that will
permit extrapolation of data taken at the component level to the system
level leading to system performance data. AREA F -- Pulsed Power
Technology -- Development of Compact Pulsed Power Technology -- DSWA is
seeking to sponsor development of pulsed power components (indicators,
diodes, switches, etc.) required to improve on today's state of the
art compact pulse forming network (PFN). There is a class of government
and commercial applications for electrical pulsed power which has not
been thoroughly explored because they require an order of magnitude
higher energy density PFN than is available today. AREA G --
Survivability Assessment -- System Operability -- Present methods to
examine end-to-end connectivity of C3I systems are complex and are not
responsive in real time. They currently require extensive manpower to
analyze large quantities of data and several complicated and diverse
computer codes to determine system performance. Methods are required to
improve the capability of performing real time end-to-end system
operability assessments against a nuclear scenario. In addition, cost
effective and efficient methods are required to catalog and archive the
large quantity of data developed and maintained for an assessment. AREA
H Radiation Hardened Microelectronics -- Radiation Hardened/Tolerant
Microelectronics and Photonics -- Develop and demonstrate radiation
hardened/tolerant microelectronics, photonics and electronic packaging
technology including hardness assurance, advanced diagnostics, silicon
insulating materials, compound materials and quantum mechanics. AREA J
-- EMP/HPM Hardening/Survivability -- Develop innovative EMP/HPM
protection and test technologies and system effects characterization
tools. Identify materials, design and test methodologies, and effects
assessment tools to integrate survivable military and COTS equipment
into systems. Concepts should be innovative and affordable improvements
on the state-of-the-art, e.g., intrinsic EM shielding using composite
materials, conformable and compact terminal protection devices, and
combined effects assessment tools for military systems/networks
operating in hostile environments. Technologies providing unified
protection and test methods that are at least 30% cheaper than
currently achievable are desirable. AREA K System Testing -- Combined
Effects Testing -- Study to identify innovative and cost effective
solutions in the ability of system designers to conduct system hardness
validation against combined nuclear environments through analysis and
aboveground test simulators. Emphasis is placed on determining whether
combined nuclear environments impact system design and test
methodologies beyond single environment restrictions. The study should
address Non Developmental Items/Commercial Off-The-Shelf (NDI/COTS),
as well as developmental item testing in the area of combined nuclear
environments. AREA L System Tesing -- Strategic Asset Qualification --
Review of our current simulation and analysis capability to qualify
strategic assets such as re-entry vehicles (RV's), Post Boost Vehicles
(PBV's), and penetration aids (pen-aids) to their radiation hardening
criteria without using Underground Nuclear Tests. Identify analysis
and simulation deficiencies related to hardening and qualification.
Identify innovative and cost effective solutions to correct the
deficiencies. AREA M -- Information Systems -- Innovative Information
Technologies -- To provide Information Systems support to future R D T
& E for DSWA, research and applications are needed in the following
areas: preservation, archival, and retrieval, automated conversion of
physical information products into high-quality electronic format,
knowledge preservation and presentation, audio video, and digital
multi-media preservation, integration of analytical tools,
computer-supported collaborative workgroup environments, and
organization-wide data warehouse capabilities. AREA N -- GRANT
DoD Appropriations Act FY 96 for continued research into the impact of
environmental pollutants on human and ecological systems and in
compliance with U.S.C. 2361, the Defense Special Weapons Agency (DSWA)
is soliciting proposals from major research universities working in
close collaboration with a historically black college or university to
conduct environmental pollutants research specializing in topics of
concern to the Department of Defense (DoD). This effort, initiated in
FY89, has been and is currently performed under a grant to Tulane
University working in collaboration with Xavier University. The program
shall consist of a DoD focused interdisciplinary effort covering such
diverse disciplines as toxicology, medicine, epidemiology,
environmental health sciences, cell and molecular biology, chemistry,
ecology, and information sciences. The DoD is concerned about
environmental pollutants that have been or may be produced as the
result of defense related operations. These pollutants may be produced
during the research, development, testing, production, operation, and
maintenance of military equipment and weapon systems. The effects of
these pollutants on DoD personnel, civilian population, the
environment, and the wildlife are of concern. Examples of specific
topics that are of concern include: 1) Development of methods to clean
up radiation or hazardous waste contaminated sites, 2) Improvements in
the methods and instruments used for field identification,
quantification, and evaluation of contamination, 3) Disposal of the
residues resulting from the demilitarization of chemical weapons, 4)
Methods and sensitive instruments for rapid field identification,
quantification, and evaluation of biological and chemical agents within
a dust cloud or dispersed in the air, 5) Predicting and preventing
environmental damage caused by the hazardous substances, pollutants,
and contaminants generated and disposed of by DoD facilities which
could endanger the public health, welfare, or the environment, 6)
Developing methods to reduce the production and use of the hazardous
materials disposed of by DoD facilities, 7) Investigation into the
effects of electromagnetic energy on humans, 8) Determining which
pollutants pose the most serious health risks, 9) Investigations into
the injury mechanisms of pollutants, 10) Investigations into the
effects of long-term, low-level exposure to radiation and pollutants of
interest to DoD, 11) Methods for counteracting the effects of radiation
and hazardous materials on human performance, and 12) Methods for
protecting humans from the harmful effects of radiation, and chemical
and biological agents. It is anticipated that a Grant will be used in
the award of this effort. The offeror shall propose specific research
projects intended to be pursued to include resumes of the principle
investigators. It is envisioned that all the research projects to be
conducted under this grant will be presented during the course of the
grant by the Universities and approved by DSWA. This grant is solely
for the purpose of research. Therefore, the grant recipient is expected
to supply the necessary infrastructure to support the depth and breadth
of the proposed interdisciplinary research program. Information on DSWA
solicitations, already released, can be obtained by calling the DSWA
Hotline at (703) 325-1173. As of 31 May 96, Acquisition Management has
added "Procurement Opportunities" to the DSWA Home Page available on
the World Wide Web. Information will include this synopsis and more.
Please check us out at www.dswa.mil. Reference Synopsis No. 97-48
(0058) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0012 19970303\A-0012.SOL)
A - Research and Development Index Page