Loren Data Corp.




PLASMA MONITOR AND CONTROLLER Sandia National Laboratories (Albuquerque, New Mexico) has developed a system to monitor plasma processes for control of industrial applications. With the plasma monitor and controller, emission spectroscopy can be used to detect real-time failures such as air leaks. As the plasma system is applied to an industrial process, the technology can compare normal and actual operation and note any deviations. The system is designed to act as a stand alone process monitor allowing data collection while the plasma is on. The unique capability of this real-time plasma monitor is that it can allow control of support systems known to influence plasma behavior such as pumping speed. The plasma monitor can signal personnel to modify plasma parameters when the system is operating outside of desired specifications. An alarm can be activated for undefined operational conditions detected in the plasma process. The technology utilizes a commercially available spectrophotometer and camera to view the plasma. Error detection and signaling is conducted by a software routine developed by Sandia National Laboratories. Target market for this technology includes any industry using plasma as part of their production process. Sandia is granting commercial licensing to the plasma monitor and controller to companies interested in further developing this technology and bringing it to market. Licensees should possess very strong experience in software and hardware development, optics and optical systems, and plasma processes. Licensees should also have proven business development skills and acumen, and possess the financial capability to bring this product to market. Successful licensees will, therefore, have a proven track record of securing funding, assembling multidisciplinary teams of scientists and engineers, and providing management structure to these teams during development and marketing. Successful licensees should also possess strong experience in patent law and the legal protection of inventions and technology in the United States and abroad. For further information, please respond by mail or fax to Joanne Trujillo no later than March 24, 1997 at: Sandia National Laboratories, MS 1380, P. O. Box 5800, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185-1380. Fax: (505) 843-4175. Please indicate the date and title of this CBD notice. E-MAIL: Joanne Trujillo, jmtruji@sandia.gov.

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