Loren Data Corp.




NIH, OPM, AB-A, EPS, Rm 806, 6120 Executive Blvd., MSC 7260 Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7260

R -- INTERNATIONAL AND DOMESTIC TRAVEL AND CONFERENCE SUPPORT SOL 263-97-P(AH)-0026 DUE 070197 POC Anthony M. Revenis, J.D., Contracting Officer, (301)402-3073, FAX-301- 402-3406/7. NIH intends to award several contracts for international and domestic travel and conference support. These contracts will be available for use by other Federal agencies. These awards shall include a recompetition of existing NIH contract #263-93-C-0012 with Courtesy Associates of Washington, D.C. The new awards shall be for a one year contract with four options for additional years. This requirement has been partially set-aside for small businesses and the applicable SIC code is 8741. NIH is targeting for 50% of awards to small businesses and will commit to make at least 25% of the awards to small businesses. If four awards are made and only one small business is selected, NIH may make a fifth award to a small firm. Firms that possess appropriate qualifications and are interested in submitting a proposal are invited to contact the listed contracting officer, in writing, (FAX is acceptable) to request a copy of the RFP. (0059)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0062 19970304\R-0004.SOL)

R - Professional, Administrative and Management Support Services Index Page